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<view class="page-content">
<cu-custom class="main-topbar bg-main-oil" :isBack="true" bgColor="bg-main-oil">
<block slot="backText">返回</block>
<block slot="content">{{stationMsg.oilSiteName}}</block>
<view class="cu-list menu-avatar">
<view class="cu-item margin-sm margin-left margin-right radius">
<view class="cu-avatar round lg" :style="'background-image:url('+driverMsg.headUrl+');'"></view>
<view class="content money-container">
<view class="color-333">
<view class="text-cut">{{driverMsg.driverName}}</view>
<view class="text-gray text-sm flex">
<view class="text-cut">{{driverMsg.phone}}</view>
<view class="action">
<view class="text-white money-position padding-left-lg padding-xs bg-main-oil text-lg">
<text class="text-xs">余额</text>
4 years ago
4 years ago
<view class="cu-form-group margin margin-top-0 radius">
<view class="title mini-label text-black">车牌号</view>
<input :maxlength="7" v-model="carNumber" disabled @tap="showModel='show'" placeholder="请输入车牌号" name="input" />
<!-- <text class="cuIcon-roundclosefill text-gray"></text> -->
<text class="cuIcon-write text-orange"></text>
<view class="my-cell margin-left margin-right padding-top padding-bottom radius">
<view class="strong padding-bottom-xs">{{stationMsg.oilSiteName}}</view>
<view class="font-12 color-999">
<text class="text-cut">{{stationMsg.address}}</text>
<!-- <view class="navigation" @tap="openMap">
<image class="icon-self" src="https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=907966196,3433585328&fm=11&gp=0.jpg"
4 years ago
<!-- -->
<view class="padding-top-xs margin margin-top-xs margin-bottom-0 padding-bottom radius">
<view class="bg-white padding padding-bottom-sm">
<view class="padding-bottom-sm text-lg">油号选择</view>
<view class="padding-top-xs">
<text class="strong padding-right-xs font-16">{{insertResult.oilName}}</text>
<text class="padding-right-xs">
<text class="text-blod oil-main-color">{{insertResult.realPrice|numberFilter}}</text>
<text class="s-rich">市场价{{insertResult.standardPrice|numberFilter}}/L</text>
<view class="grid col-5 padding-top justify-start">
<view class="padding-xs" v-for="(item,index) in oilTypeList" :key="index">
<button class="cu-btn" @tap="oilNameSel(item)" :class="[insertResult.oilName===item.oilName?'bg-main-oil':'line-gray']">{{item.oilName}}</button>
<view class="padding solid-top padding-bottom-0 padding-top-xs bg-white">
<view class="padding-bottom-sm text-lg">油枪选择</view>
<view class="grid col-5 justify-start">
<view class="padding-xs" v-for="(item,index) in ColorList" :key="index">
<button @tap="gunIdSel(index)" class="cu-btn" :class="[insertResult.bar===index+1?'bg-main-oil':'line-gray']">{{index+1}}</button>
<view class="solid-top padding solid-top bg-white">
<view class="shadow-warp bg-white">
<view class="cu-form-group">
<view class="title">加油升数</view>
4 years ago
<input placeholder="请输入加油升数" type="digit" @input="calcMoney" v-model="insertResult.vol" name="input" />
<view class="my-cell">
<text class="font-12">星卡优惠金额</text>
<text class="fr">-{{insertResult.discountMoney|numberFilter}}</text>
<view class="my-cell">
<text class="font-12">实际扣款金额</text>
<text class="oil-main-color fr">{{insertResult.vDoMoney|numberFilter}}</text>
<button class="margin round bg-main-oil" @tap="charge">确定</button>
4 years ago
<PlateNumberPicker @newPlate="showPlateModal(false,true)" @onDeleteInput="onDeleteInput" :showInputList="showInputList"
:showPlateList="showPlateList" @selectNo="selectNo" @clearAll="clearPlateNumber" @selectName="selectText" @hideModal="showModel=''"
:modalName="showModel" />
import cloudSiteApi from '@/api/cloud-site.js'
4 years ago
import PlateNumberPicker from '@/components/plate-number-picker/plate-number-picker.vue'
export default {
4 years ago
components: {
data() {
return {
4 years ago
testResult: false,
showPlateList: true,
showInputList: false,
carNumber: '',
plateNo: '',
plateText: '',
imgList: [],
plateName: '',
showModel: '',
// 车牌号,上
radio: 'B',
active: 0,
ColorList: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
qrCode: uni.getStorageSync('qrCode'),
driverMsg: {
4 years ago
balance: '',
plateNumber: ''
oilGunList: {},
oilTypeList: [],
stationMsg: {
selected: {},
insertResult: {
bar: 1,
oilName: '',
discountMoney: '0.00',
oilCode: "",
realPrice: "",
standardPrice: '',
vDoMoney: "0.00",
vMoney: "0.00",
vol: ""
orderKey: ''
watch: {
oilTypeList: {
handler(newVal, oldVal) {
console.log('深度监听', newVal, oldVal)
this.oilTypeList = newVal
if (!this.insertResult.oilCode) {
deep: true
selected: {
deep: true,
immediate: true,
handler(newVal, oldVal) {
console.log('监听白话,selected', newVal, oldVal)
this.selected = newVal
if (newVal) {
if (this.selected.xkPrice) {
this.insertResult.realPrice = this.selected.xkPrice
} else if (this.selected.lvPrice) {
this.insertResult.realPrice = this.selected.xkPrice
this.insertResult.oilCode = this.selected.oilCode
this.insertResult.standardPrice = this.selected.standardPrice
this.insertResult.oilName = this.selected.oilName
4 years ago
plateNo: {
immediate: true,
handler(newVal, oldVal) {
this.plateNo = newVal
if (newVal) {
created() {
methods: {
4 years ago
clearPlateNumber() {
this.plateText = ''
this.plateNo = ""
this.carNumber = ''
this.showPlateList = true
this.showInputList = false
text() {
this.carNumber = this.plateText + this.plateNo
tsetPlate() {
this.testResult =
onDeleteInput() {
this.carNumber = this.carNumber.slice(0, -1)
if (this.carNumber.length > 1) {
this.plateNo = this.plateNo.slice(0, -1)
4 years ago
if (this.carNumber.length == 1) {
this.plateText = ''
4 years ago
if (this.plateNo.length == 1) {
this.plateNo = ''
4 years ago
this.plateText = ''
this.plateNo = ''
this.showPlateList = false
this.showInputList = true
selectText(item) {
this.plateText = item
this.showPlateList = false
this.showInputList = true
selectNo(item) {
if (this.plateNo.length >= 5) {
this.showModel = ''
this.plateNo = this.plateNo + item
showPlateModal(val1, val2) {
this.showPlateList = val1
this.showInputList = val2
this.showModel = 'show'
// 收费
charge() {
if (this.testResult) {
const data6 = {
siteCode: this.stationMsg.oilSiteCode,
oilPrice: this.insertResult.realPrice,
volume: this.insertResult.vol,
standardAmount: this.insertResult.vMoney,
oilAmount: this.insertResult.vDoMoney,
oilCode: this.insertResult.oilCode,
oilName: this.insertResult.oilName,
oilGun: this.insertResult.bar,
standardPrice: this.insertResult.standardPrice,
orderKey: this.orderKey,
plateNumber: this.carNumber
if (!data6.oilCode) {
4 years ago
title: '请选择油品',
icon: 'none'
4 years ago
return false
4 years ago
if (!data6.volume) {
title: '请输入加油体积',
icon: 'none'
return false
cloudSiteApi.saveOrder(data6).then(res => {
if (res.code === 20000) {
title: '下单成功!请确认是否支付成功!'
uni.setStorageSync('formQr', true)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 800)
} else {
title: '车牌号校验不通过',
icon: 'none'
toDetails(id) {
uni.setStorageSync('orderId', id)
console.log('id', id)
url: '/pages/orderList/OrderDetail/OrderDetail'
4 years ago
gunIdSel(index) {
4 years ago
this.insertResult.bar = index + 1
initForm() {
if (!this.insertResult.realPrice) {
this.selected = this.oilTypeList[0]
this.insertResult.bar = 1
verifyQrCode() {
qrCode: this.qrCode
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 20000) {
this.driverMsg = res.data.driverMsg
4 years ago
this.carNumber = this.driverMsg.plateNumber
this.oilGunList = res.data.oilGunList
this.oilTypeList = res.data.oilTypeList
this.orderKey = res.data.orderKey
this.stationMsg = res.data.stationMsg
if (res.data.insertResult.oilCode) {
this.insertResult = res.data.insertResult
this.selected.oilCode = this.insertResult.oilCode
this.selected.standardPrice = this.insertResult.standardPrice
this.selected.oilName = this.insertResult.oilName
this.selected.xkPrice = res.data.realPrice - 1 + 1
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 800)
oilNameSel(item) {
this.selected = item
console.log('选择你/n', this.selected, '/n')
tRadio() {
this.radio === 'A' ? this.radio = '' : this.radio = 'A'
calcMoney() {
this.insertResult.vMoney = this.insertResult.vol * this.selected.standardPrice
this.insertResult.discountMoney = this.insertResult.vol * (this.selected.standardPrice - this.insertResult.realPrice)
this.insertResult.vDoMoney = (this.insertResult.vMoney - this.insertResult.discountMoney).toFixed(2)
filters: {
toT(value) {
if (value) {
return value / 1000
dateFormat(value) {
if (value) {
return value.substring(5, 16)
numberFilter(value) {
value = value - 1 + 1
return value.toFixed(2)
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