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3 years ago
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let diSrc = 'http://downsc.chinaz.net/Files/DownLoad/sound1/201711/9360.mp3'
let innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext()
innerAudioContext.src = diSrc
export default {
data() {
return {
once: false,
lightOn: false,
animationData2: {},
flashValue: 'auto',
onLoad() {
scanType: 'qrCode',
onlyFromCamera: false,
success: (resResult) => {
1 year ago
console.log('%c 扫码结果↓', 'color:red;font-size:30px')
3 years ago
// innerAudioContext.play()
let res = resResult.result
uni.setStorageSync('qrCode', res)
this.once = true
let url = ''
// console.log('这里是顺丰测试',res.substring(0,7))
const tag = res.substring(0, 2);
// 老星油 XM , HT G7 , 则一 ZEYI , 新星油 XOIL new则一 XINGYOU
1 year ago
if (res.indexOf('fykc') != -1) {
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite?type=fykc'
console.log('这里是测试福佑', res.substring(0, 7))
} else if (tag == "SP") {
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite?type=G7'
} else if (tag == "XM" || tag == "HT" || tag == "G7") {
3 years ago
url = '/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail?type=G7'
1 year ago
} else if (res.indexOf('ZEYI') != -1) {
console.log('这里是测试则一sss', res.substring(0, 7))
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite?type=ZEYI'
} else if (res.substring(0, 4) == 'XING' || res.substring(0, 4) == 'XOIL') {
console.log('这里是测试XING', res.substring(0, 7))
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite?type=xoli'
} else if (res.substring(0, 8) == 'SHUNFENG') {
3 years ago
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite?type=shunfeng'
1 year ago
} else if (res.substring(0, 4) == 'RIRI') {
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite?type=RIRISHUN'
} else if (res.indexOf('OP') != -1) {
url = '/pages/stationDetail/openStationDetail'
} else {
3 years ago
title: '未知二维码',
icon: 'none'
setTimeout(() => {
1 year ago
3 years ago
}, 800)
return false;
1 year ago
// url = '/pages/stationDetail/openStationDetail'
// console.log(tag)
3 years ago
// url: `/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail`,
url: url,
fail: (err) => {
// console.log(err)
success: (res) => {
// console.log('chengg', res)
fail: (err) => {
methods: {
scancode(e) {
if (!this.once) {
var scanUrl = ''
// uni.getStorageSync('scanUrl')
// 提示音
// 校验扫描结果,并处理
let res = e.detail.result
uni.setStorageSync('qrCode', res)
this.once = true
let url = ''
const tag = res.substring(0, 2)
if (tag == "XM" || tag == "HT" || tag == "G7") {
url = '/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail'
} else if (res.substring(0, 4) == 'ZEYI') {
url = '/pages/stationDetail/ZYSite'
} else {
title: '未知二维码',
icon: 'none'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 800)
return false;
// url: `/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail`,
url: url,
fail: (err) => {
// console.log(err)
success: (res) => {
// console.log('chengg', res)
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line-height: 2rem;
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min-height: 100rpx;
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