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<view class="page-content " :class="(PageCur=='home'||PageCur=='scan')?'my-bg':''">
<!-- <uni-nav-bar left-icon="back" left-text="返回" right-text="菜单" title="导航栏组件"></uni-nav-bar> -->
<home ref='homecheck' v-if="PageCur=='home'||PageCur=='scan'" :user-account="userAccount"
@changMenus='changMenus' :site="userAccount" :checkUser='checkUser'></home>
<setup v-if="PageCur=='setup'"></setup>
<view class="bottom-view">
<view class="padding-top radius shadow bottom-bar-fixed">
<view class="cu-bar tabbar bg-white">
<view class="action text-gray" @tap="NavChange" data-cur="home">
<view class="cuIcon-homefill sl" :class="PageCur=='home'?'text-red':'text-gray'"></view>
<text :class="PageCur=='home'?'text-red':'text-gray'">
<view class="action text-gray add-action" @tap="NavChange" data-cur="scan">
<button class="cu-btn cuIcon-scan sl shadow"
<text :class="PageCur=='scan'?'text-red':'text-gray'">
<view class="action text-gray" @tap="NavChange" data-cur="setup">
<view class="cuIcon-peoplefill sl" :class="PageCur=='setup'?'text-red':'text-gray'"></view>
<text :class="PageCur=='setup'?'text-red':'text-gray'">
import cloudSiteApi from '@/api/cloud-site.js'
import oliSiteApi from '@/api/oli-site.js'
import oliUserApi from '@/api/oli-user.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
checkUser: false,
changeChannel: {
username: '',
channelId: '',
unionId: ''
PageCur: 'home',
userAccount: {
totalCount: 0,
totalMoney: 0.00
loginUser: uni.getStorageSync('loginUser'),
channelId: uni.getStorageSync('channelId'),
menusList: [],
site: {},
userMenu: uni.getStorageSync('userMenu')
onPullDownRefresh() {
// this.getUserInfo()
url: '../../packageOrders/pages/printTicket/printTicket'
onShow() {
uni.setStorageSync('orderType', null)
// uni.preloadPage({url: "/pages/station-info/scan-camera/scan-camera"});
const token = uni.getStorageSync('Authorization')
const openid = uni.getStorageSync('device')
if (token && openid) {
// this.getUserInfo()
// this.getSiteInfo()
} else {
// uni.showToast({
// title: '您还没有登录哦',
// icon: "none"
// })
// setTimeout(function() {
// uni.reLaunch({
// url: '/pages/login/boforeLogin/boforeLogin',
// success: () => {
// //console.log('跳转成功')
// },
// fail: (err) => {
// //console.log(err)
// }
// })
// }, 1500);
onLoad() {
const token = uni.getStorageSync('Authorization')
if (!token) return
let check = uni.getStorageSync('checkFirst')
if (check) {
this.checkUser = true
this.menusList = uni.getStorageSync('menusChangeList') || []
// const Menus = uni.getStorageSync('userMenu')
// let menusList = []
// Menus.forEach((item, index, Menus) => {
// if (item.roleName != 'ROOT') {
// menusList.push(this.Splicing(item))
// }
// })
// let check = uni.getStorageSync('checkFirst')
// if (check) {
// _that.checkUser = true
// }
// uni.setStorageSync('menusChangeList', menusList)
// this.menusList = menusList
methods: {
checkLogin() {
const token = uni.getStorageSync('Authorization')
if (!token) {
content: '您还没有登录哦',
confirmText: '前往登录',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
url: '/pages/login/boforeLogin/boforeLogin'
return false
return true
getPosition() {
// console.log('getPositiongetPositiongetPositiongetPosition')
let that = this
type: 'gcj02',
success: function(res) {
key: 'location',
data: res
changMenus(data) {
this.menusList = data
longiCheck() {
let userInfo = uni.getStorageSync('loginUser')
oliUserApi.getByPhone(userInfo.userPhone).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
this.checkList = 'show'
this.oliList = res.data
this.changeChannel.username = this.loginUser.userPhone
this.changeChannel.unionId = uni.getStorageSync('unionId')
} else {
title: '请求失败,请稍后再试',
icon: 'none'
// Splicing(list) {
// let obj = {
// cuIcon: '',
// path: '',
// color: '',
// badge: 0,
// name: ''
// }
// if (list.roleName == '扫码加油') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'scan',
// obj.path = '/pages/station-info/scan-camera/scan-camera',
// obj.color = 'olive',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '经营分析') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'new',
// obj.path = '',
// obj.color = 'orange',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '加油订单') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'form',
// obj.path = '/packageOrders/pages/orderList/orderList',
// obj.color = 'yellow',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '油站二维码') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'qr_code',
// obj.path = '/packageQr/pages/qrsite/QrCode_xy',
// obj.color = 'cyan',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '员工管理') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'expressman',
// obj.path = '/packageStaff/pages/staff/List/List',
// obj.color = 'mauve',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '油站信息') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
// obj.path = '/packageQr/pages/partnership/partnership',
// obj.color = 'blue',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '交易统计') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
// obj.path = '/pages/TransactionStatistics/TransactionStatistics',
// obj.color = 'blue',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// } else if (list.roleName == '星油云站超级管理员') {
// obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
// obj.path = ' ',
// obj.color = 'blue',
// obj.badge = 0,
// obj.name = list.roleName
// }
// return obj
// },
// getSiteInfo() {
// //获取油站基本资料
// oliSiteApi.getSiteDetail(this.channelId)
// },
// getUserInfo() {
// // 获取云站当前登录用户的基础资料
// oliSiteApi.getSiteBasicData(this.channelId)
// },
NavChange: function(e) {
if (!this.checkLogin()) return
this.PageCur = e.currentTarget.dataset.cur
if (this.PageCur == "scan") {
scanQr() {
let scanUrl = ""
this.menusList.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.name === '扫码加油') {
scanUrl = '/pages/station-info/scan-camera/scan-camera'
url: scanUrl
if ((index == this.userMenu.length - 1) && !scanUrl) {
title: '抱歉,您没有扫码权限',
icon: 'none'
<style scoped>
.bottom-bar {
position: relative;
padding-top: 50px;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
.bottom-bar-fixed {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
padding-top: 70rpx;
width: 100%;
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max-height: 200rpx;