You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

777 lines
21 KiB

<view class="content my-bg">
<cu-custom class="main-topbar bg-main-oil" @showLists='showLists' :isChange='true' bgColor="bg-main-oil">
<block slot="changeChannel">切换</block>
<block slot="content">{{'星油云站'}}</block>
<view class="main-money bg-main-oil">
<view class="padding-left-lg">当前油站为<text>{{accountName}}</text></view>
<view class="padding-xs flex align-center">
<view class="flex-sub text-center padding-top-lg">
<view class="txet-xxs">
<text class="text-white">今日收款</text>
<!-- <view class="" @tap='changess'>butns</view> -->
<view class=" text-sl padding padding-top-xs"><text
<view class="bg-main-oil bg-main-color main-money">
<view class="bg-white radius margin-left margin-right to-top">
<view class=" flex ">
<view class="padding text-center flex-sub"
<view class="padding-sm">
<text class="oil-main-color">{{userAccount.totalCount || 0}}</text>
<!-- <button class="cu-btn bg-main-oil text-white text-sm ">
</button> -->
<view class="padding text-center flex-sub">
<view class="padding-sm">
<text class="oil-main-color">{{userAccount.balance|numberFilter}}</text>
<!-- <button class="cu-btn bg-main-oil text-white text-sm ">
</button> -->
<view class="showMainBox cu-list bg-white margin radius " style='z-index: 0;'>
<view class="foldOrExpand" v-if='SiteOliInfo.length>2'>
<view class="fold checkF" v-if='checkForE' @click='showOrNo(false) '>折叠 <image
src="../../static/img/zdU.png" mode="" class="showMainBox_item_top_img"></image>
<view class="Expand checkF" v-if='!checkForE' @click='showOrNo(true) '>展开 <image
src="../../static/img/zdD.png" mode="" class="showMainBox_item_top_img"></image>
<view v-if='SiteOliInfo.length' class="showMainBox_main" :style="{ height: showHeight}">
<view class="showMainBox_item" v-for='(item,i) in SiteOliInfo' :key='i'>
<view class="showMainBox_item_left">
<view class="showMainBox_item_left_title">{{item.oilProductCode}} 油</view>
<view class="showMainBox_item_left_tag">
<view class="showMainBox_item_left_tag_money">
发改委价: <text class='color-red'>&yen;{{item.marketPrice}} </text>
<view class="showMainBox_item_left_tag_money">
油站价: <text class='color-red'>&yen;{{item.sitePrice}}</text>
<view class="showMainBox_item_right" v-if="sitInfo.phone" @click="markerPhone">
<image src="../../static/img/kfrx.png" mode="" class="showMainBox_item_right_img"></image>
<view class="cu-list grid col-3 no-border listBox margin radius " style='z-index: 0;'>
<view class="cu-item" @tap="routerTo('/pages/station-info/station-info')">
<view :class="['cuIcon-' + cuIconList[0].cuIcon, 'text-' + cuIconList[0].color]" class="text-sl">
<view class="cu-tag badge" v-if="cuIconList[0].badge != 0">
<block v-if="cuIconList[0].badge != 1">
{{ cuIconList[0].badge > 99 ? '99+' : cuIconList[0].badge }}
<text>{{ cuIconList[0].name }}</text>
<view class="cu-item" v-for="(item,index) in menusList" :key="index" @tap="routerTo(item.path)"
v-if='item.name != "星油云站超级管理员"'>
<view :class="['cuIcon-' + item.cuIcon, 'text-' + cuIconList[index+1].color]" class="text-sl">
<view class="cu-tag badge" v-if="item.badge != 0">
<block v-if="item.badge != 1">{{ item.badge > 99 ? '99+' : item.badge }}</block>
<text>{{ item.name }}</text>
<!-- <view class="cu-item" @tap="routerTo('/pages/station-price/station-price')">
<view :class="['cuIcon-' + cuIconList[1].cuIcon, 'text-' + cuIconList[1].color]" class="text-sl">
<view class="cu-tag badge" v-if="cuIconList[1].badge != 0">
<block v-if="cuIconList[1].badge != 1">
{{ cuIconList[1].badge > 99 ? '99+' : cuIconList[1].badge }}
<text>{{ cuIconList[1].name }}</text>
</view> -->
<view style="height: 180rpx;display: flex;justify-content: flex-end;" class="cu-item"
<image style="width: 50rpx;height: 50rpx;" src="/static/img/dzsb.png"></image>
<text>{{ cuIconList[2].name }}</text>
<!-- <view class="cu-item" @tap="routerTo('/pages/TransactionStatistics/TransactionStatistics')">
<view :class="['cuIcon-' + 'new', 'text-' + cuIconList[0].color]" class="text-sl">
<view class="cu-tag badge" v-if="cuIconList[0].badge != 0">
<block v-if="cuIconList[0].badge != 1">
{{ cuIconList[0].badge > 99 ? '99+' : cuIconList[0].badge }}</block>
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="cu-item" @tap="scanQr">
<view class="text-sl cuIcon-scan text-yellow">
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="cu-item" @tap="showLists">
<view :class="['cuIcon-' + cuIconList[0].cuIcon, 'text-' + cuIconList[0].color]" class="text-sl">
<view class="cu-tag badge" >
</view> -->
<view class="padding-bottom-xl">
<view class="cu-modal" :class="checkList">
<view class="cu-dialog">
<view class="cu-bar bg-red justify-end">
<view class="content ">
<view class="action" @tap="hidecheckList">
<text class="cuIcon-close text-white"></text>
<view class="text-left padding-xl padding-bottom padding-top bg-white">
<view class="flex align-center justify-between margin-bottom-sm " v-for="(list,i) in oliList"
<view class=""> {{list.otherSiteName}}</view>
<view class="">
<view class=" bg-red cu-btn text-white text-center btn-radius-10 text-sm"
<view class="cu-modal" :class="[checkFirst ? 'show':'']">
<view class="cu-dialog">
<view class="cu-bar bg-red justify-end">
<view class="content ">
<view class="action" @tap="hidecheckList">
<text class="cuIcon-close text-white"></text>
<view class="text-left padding-xl padding-bottom padding-top bg-white">
<view class="flex align-center justify-between margin-bottom-sm " v-for="(list,i) in oliList"
<view class=""> {{list.otherSiteName}}</view>
<view class="">
<view class=" bg-red cu-btn text-white text-center btn-radius-10 text-sm"
import cloudSiteApi from '@/api/cloud-site.js'
import oliUserApi from '@/api/oli-user.js'
import oilIdentityApi from '@/api/oil-identity.js'
import oliSiteApi from '@/api/oli-site.js'
export default {
props: {
site: {
type: Object,
default () {}
// menusList:{
// type:Array,
// default(){}
// },
checkUser: {
type: Boolean,
default () {}
data() {
return {
showHeight: '340rpx',
checkForE: false,
sitInfo: {},
SiteOliInfo: [],
accountName: uni.getStorageSync('siteOli'),
userAccount: uni.getStorageSync('ueserList'),
checkList: '',
scanUrl: '',
menusList: uni.getStorageSync('menusChangeList'),
oliList: uni.getStorageSync('oliList'),
userMenu: uni.getStorageSync('userMenu'),
loginUser: uni.getStorageSync('loginUser'),
checkFirst: uni.getStorageSync('checkFirst'),
title: 'Hello',
changeChannel: {
username: '',
channelId: '',
unionId: ''
cuIconList: [{
cuIcon: 'location',
path: '/pages/station-info/station-info',
color: 'red',
badge: 0,
name: '油站信息'
cuIcon: 'moneybag',
path: '/pages/station-info/station-info',
color: 'yellow',
badge: 0,
name: '促销优惠'
cuIcon: 'new',
path: '/packageChart/operation-analysis/operation-analysis',
color: 'orange',
badge: 0,
name: '对账上报'
cuIcon: 'new',
path: '/packageChart/operation-analysis/operation-analysis',
color: 'orange',
badge: 0,
name: '经营分析'
}, {
cuIcon: 'form',
color: 'yellow',
path: '/packageOrders/pages/orderList/orderList',
badge: 0,
name: '加油订单'
cuIcon: 'scan',
path: '/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail',
color: 'olive',
badge: 0,
name: '扫码加油'
cuIcon: 'qr_code',
color: 'cyan',
badge: 0,
path: '/packageQr/pages/qrsite/QrCode_xy',
name: '油站二维码'
cuIcon: 'punch',
path: '/packageQr/pages/partnership/partnership',
color: 'blue',
badge: 0,
name: '合作企业'
}, {
cuIcon: 'expressman',
color: 'mauve',
// color: 'pink',
path: '暂无',
badge: 0,
name: '员工管理'
}, {
cuIcon: 'expressman',
color: 'mauve',
// color: 'pink',
path: '暂无',
badge: 0,
name: '交易统计'
// created() {
// let a = uni.getStorageSync('menusChangeList')
// console.log('aaaaaaaaa',a)
// },
created() {
let a = uni.getStorageSync('menusChangeList')
filters: {
numberFilter(value) {
if (value) {
value = value - 1 + 1
return value.toFixed(2)
} else {
return '0.00'
methods: {
showOrNo(type) {
this.checkForE = type
markerPhone() {
if (this.sitInfo.phone) {
phoneNumber: '4008-56-5355'
} else {
title: '暂无油站联系方式',
icon: 'none'
changess() {
oliUserApi.initCouldUser().then(res => {
changeMenuList(data) { //这里是切换处 更新权限menus处
const Menus = data
let menusList = []
// console.log('data',data)
Menus.forEach((item, index, Menus) => {
if (item.roleName != 'ROOT') {
menusList.push(this.Splicing(item)) //根据menus做处理
uni.setStorageSync('menusChangeList', menusList)
this.menusList = uni.getStorageSync('menusChangeList')
this.$emit('changMenus', this.menusList)
Splicing(list) {
let obj = {
cuIcon: '',
path: '',
color: '',
badge: 0,
name: ''
if (list.roleName == '扫码加油') {
obj.cuIcon = 'scan',
obj.path = '/pages/station-info/scan-camera/scan-camera',
obj.color = 'olive',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '经营分析') {
obj.cuIcon = 'new',
obj.path = '',
obj.color = 'orange',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '促销优惠') {
obj.cuIcon = 'moneybag',
obj.path = '',
// /pages/station-price/station-price
obj.color = 'orange',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '加油订单') {
obj.cuIcon = 'form',
obj.path = '/packageOrders/pages/orderList/orderList',
obj.color = 'yellow',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '油站二维码') {
obj.cuIcon = 'qr_code',
obj.path = '/packageQr/pages/qrsite/QrCode_xy',
obj.color = 'cyan',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '员工管理') {
obj.cuIcon = 'expressman',
obj.path = '/packageStaff/pages/staff/List/List',
obj.color = 'mauve',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '油站信息') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/packageQr/pages/partnership/partnership',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '交易统计') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/pages/TransactionStatistics/TransactionStatistics',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '星油云站超级管理员') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = ' ',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0,
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '账单推送') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/packageBill/push/index',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '订单提货') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/packageIntegral/takeGoods/index',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0
obj.name = list.roleName
} else if (list.roleName == '商城订单') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/packageIntegral/orderList/index',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0
obj.name = list.roleName
}else if (list.roleName == '商品列表') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/packageIntegral/productList/index',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0
obj.name = list.roleName
}else if (list.roleName == '新增商品') {
obj.cuIcon = 'punch',
obj.path = '/packageIntegral/productAddition/index',
obj.color = 'blue',
obj.badge = 0
obj.name = list.roleName
return obj
checkInfo() {
let id = uni.getStorageSync('channelId')
if (id) {
// 获取油站信息
getSiteInfo(channelId) {
oliSiteApi.getSiteDetail(channelId).then(res => {
// //console.log(res)
if (res.code === 20000) {
// console.log(res.data.oil)
this.sitInfo = res.data.site
this.SiteOliInfo = res.data.oil
if (res.data.oil.length < 3) {
this.showHeight = ' auto'
} else {
this.showHeight = '340rpx'
uni.setStorageSync('oilSitePriceId', res.data.site.id)
uni.setStorageSync('oilSitePriceName', res.data.site.siteName)
hidecheckList() {
this.checkList = ''
this.checkFirst = false
checkLists(items) {
let id = items.channelId
this.changeChannel.channelId = items.channelId
this.changeChannel.unionId = uni.getStorageSync('unionId')
this.changeChannel.username = this.loginUser.userPhone
uni.setStorageSync('channelId', items.channelId)
oilIdentityApi.changeChannelLogin(this.changeChannel).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
uni.setStorageSync('siteOli', items.otherSiteName)
this.accountName = items.otherSiteName
this.checkList = ''
this.checkFirst = false
uni.setStorageSync('checkFirst', false)
uni.setStorageSync('Authorization', res.data.authTokenDTO.accessToken)
this.checkForE = false
uni.setStorageSync('userMenu', res.data.authTokenDTO.loginUser.roleMenus)
uni.setStorageSync('loginUser', {
id: res.data.authTokenDTO.loginUser.id,
name: res.data.authTokenDTO.loginUser.name,
userPhone: res.data.authTokenDTO.loginUser.userPhone
} else if (res.code == 40000) {
url: '/pages/login/boforeLogin/boforeLogin'
getUserInfo(id) {
// 获取云站当前登录用户的基础资料
oliSiteApi.getSiteBasicData(id).then(res => {
if (res.code === 20000) {
uni.setStorageSync('ueserList', res.data)
this.userAccount = res.data
showLists() {
if (!this.checkLogin()) return
let phoneNumber = this.loginUser.userPhone,
_that = this
oliUserApi.getByPhone(phoneNumber).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
if (res.data.length < 2) {
title: '当前只有一个油站不可切换',
icon: 'none'
_that.checkList = 'show'
_that.oliList = res.data
_that.changeChannel.username = _that.loginUser.userPhone
_that.changeChannel.unionId = uni.getStorageSync('unionId')
} else {
title: '请求失败,请稍后再试',
icon: 'none'
scanQr() {
let scanUrl = '/pages/station-info/scan-camera/scan-camera'
url: scanUrl,
fail: (err) => {
// //console.log(err)
success: (res) => {
// //console.log('chengg', res)
checkLogin() {
const token = uni.getStorageSync('Authorization')
if (!token) {
content: '您还没有登录哦',
confirmText: '前往登录',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
url: '/pages/login/boforeLogin/boforeLogin'
return false
return true
routerTo(url, name) {
if (!this.checkLogin()) return
if (url == '') {
title: '暂时无法使用...',
icon: 'none'
if (name === '扫码加油') {
this.scanUrl = url
} else {
url: url
onShow() {
watch: {
checkForE(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue && this.SiteOliInfo.length > 2) {
this.showHeight = ' auto'
} else if (!newValue && this.SiteOliInfo.length > 2) {
this.showHeight = '340rpx'
} else if (this.SiteOliInfo.length == 2 || this.SiteOliInfo.length < 2) {
this.showHeight = ' auto'
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.bg-main-color {
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