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class="main-totextbar bg-main-oil"
<block slot="backText">返回</block>
<block slot="content">油站地图</block>
<view class="cu-bar search bg-white">
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<text class="cuIcon-search"></text>
<view class="action" @tap="loadMore"> 更多 </view>
<view class="page-body">
<view class="page-section page-section-gap">
style="width: 100%; height: 100vh"
<view class="cu-modal bottom-modal" :class="showSite">
<view class="cu-dialog" @tap.stop="">
<view class="cu-bar bg-white justify-end">
<view class="content">
{{ siteInfo.siteName ? siteInfo.siteName : "油站名称" }}</view
<view class="action" @tap="showSite = ''">
<text class="cuIcon-close text-red"></text>
<view class="flex-sub">
class="cu-list menu padding-sm radius my-shadow bg-white yu-card-xuan"
<view class="cu-item">
<view class="content" @tap="toDetail(siteInfo)">
<view class="strong padding-bottom-xs">
{{ siteInfo.siteName ? siteInfo.siteName : "油站名称" }}
<view class="text-gray flex">
<view class="text-bold yellow-oil; text-xl padding-right-xs">
{{ siteInfo.oilProductCode }}
class="oil-main-color text-xl text-bold padding-right-xs"
{{ siteInfo.sitePrice | moneyFormat }}
<view class="">
class="cu-tag oil-tag radius text-xs"
v-if="siteInfo.oilSitePrice - siteInfo.sitePrice > 0"
(siteInfo.oilSitePrice - siteInfo.sitePrice)
| moneyFormat
<view class="text-cut padding-left-sm text-lg">
class="text-delete color-333 text-sm padding-right-xs"
¥{{ siteInfo.oilSitePrice | moneyFormat }}/L
<!-- <my-icon iconName="¥.png" class="padding-right-xs icon-rectangle"></my-icon>
<my-icon iconName="f.png" class="padding-right-xs "></my-icon> -->
<view class="font-12 text-left color-999 site-label text-cut">
{{ siteInfo.address ? siteInfo.siteName : "油站地址" }}
<view class="action" @tap="openMap">
<view class="oil-main-color">
class="padding-right-xs text-sm"
{{ siteInfo.juli | distanceFilter }}
import oilSiteApi from "@/api/oil-site.js";
export default {
data() {
return {
siteInfo: {},
showSite: "",
imgUrl: this.global.imgURL,
siteList: [],
InputBottom: 0,
show: false,
siteCount: 1,
currentPage: 1,
isLoadMore: false, //是否加载中
baseDriver: uni.getStorageSync("baseDriver"),
selLocation: {},
title: "map",
location: uni.getStorageSync("location"),
latitude: 39.909,
longitude: 116.39742,
covers: [],
fillColor: "#ffd75e",
borderColor: "#12A1DD",
scale: 12, //地图层级
controls: [
id: 1, //控件id
position: {
left: 0,
top: 15,
width: 50,
height: 50,
polyline: [
points: [],
color: "#0000AA", //线的颜色
width: 2, //线的宽度
dottedLine: true, //是否虚线
arrowLine: true, //带箭头的线 开发者工具暂不支持该属性
onLoad() {
let that = this;
filters: {
distanceFilter(value) {
if (value) {
return value > 1000 ? (value / 1000).toFixed(2) + "km" : value + "m";
moneyFormat(value) {
if (value) {
return value.toFixed(2);
} else {
return "0.00";
methods: {
getSiteInfo(id) {
let data2 = {
siteId: id,
oilSiteApi.getSiteDetailsByKA(data2).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
this.siteInfo = res.data;
openMap() {
let that = this;
latitude: this.siteInfo.latitude,
longitude: this.siteInfo.longitude,
name: this.siteInfo.siteName,
address: this.siteInfo.address,
scale: 12,
success: function () {
// // console.log('success')
fail: (error) => {
// // console.log('error')
// // console.log(error)
complete: () => {
// // console.log('made')
var map = uni.createMapContext("map");
makerTap(e) {
// // console.log(e)
// // console.log(e.detail)
this.showSite = "";
if (e.detail.markerId !== 0) {
const index = this.siteList.findIndex(
(s) => s.markerId === e.detail.markerId
// // console.log(index)
this.showSite = "show";
this.siteInfo = this.siteList[index];
refreshLocation() {
// uni.getLocation({
// type: 'wgs84',
// success: (res) => {
// uni.setStorageSync('location', res)
// this.location = res
// this.addLocationCurrent()
// }
// });
addLocationCurrent() {
id: 0,
latitude: this.location.latitude, //纬度
longitude: this.location.longitude, //经度
label: {
content: "我的位置", //文本
color: "#12A1DD", //文本颜色
anchorX: 5, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
anchorY: -10, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
bgColor: "#fff", //背景色
padding: 5, //文本边缘留白
borderWidth: 1, //边框宽度
borderRadius: 10,
borderColor: "#12A1DD", //边框颜色 textAlign: 'right' //文本对齐方式。
loadMore() {
getSiteList() {
let data1 = {
currentPage: this.currentPage,
pageSize: 20,
params: {
//类型:Object 必有字段 备注:// 筛选对象
sort: "juli", //类型:String 必有字段 备注:// 智能排序 ( price:价格最低 juli:距离最近 ) 默认距离排序
siteName: this.siteName,
// siteBrand: "", // 备注:// 石油品牌 ( 1-中国石油 2-中国石化 3-壳牌 4-民营 5-中海油 6-京博 7-中化石油 8-其他 )
// channelCode: "", // 备注:// 渠道编码 ( OIL:星油 WJY:万金油 LV:老吕(找油网) TY:团油 YDJY:一点加油(壳牌))
// oilProductCode: "" // 备注:// 油号选择 ( 0# 92# 92#)
oilSiteApi.findKASiteInfoByPage(data1).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
const tmp = res.data.list;
tmp.forEach((e) => {
e.markerId = this.siteCount++;
this.siteList = this.siteList.concat(tmp);
if (this.siteList.length != 0) {
this.latitude = this.siteList[0].latitude;
this.longitude = this.siteList[0].longitude;
} else {
title: "没有查到相关油站",
icon: "none",
this.latitude = this.location.latitude;
this.longitude = this.location.longitude;
tmp.forEach((item) => {
if (tmp.length == 0) {
// this.$emit('changeLoad', 'nomore', true)
title: "没有更多油站了",
icon: "none",
} else {
// this.$emit('changeLoad', 'load', false)
onInput() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.currentPage = 1;
this.siteList = [];
this.covers = [];
}, 100);
onSearch() {
this.currentPage = 1;
this.siteList = [];
this.covers = [];
toDetail(item) {
let itemS = JSON.stringify(item);
if (uni.getStorageSync("user")) {
url: `/BagStation/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail?item=${itemS}`,
fail: (err) => {
// console.log(err)
success: () => {
// console.log('err')
addCover(site) {
// 渠道编码 ( XOIL:星油 WJY:万金油 LV:老吕(找油网) TY:团油 YDJY:一点加油(壳牌))
id: site.markerId,
latitude: site.latitude, //纬度
longitude: site.longitude, //经度
// iconPath: this.imgUrl + 'map-' + site.channelCode + '.png',
iconPath: this.imgUrl + "map-" + "XOIL" + ".png",
width: 100,
height: 50,
title: site.siteName, //标注点名
label: {
content: "¥" + site.sitePrice, //文本
// color: '#F76350', //文本颜色
color: "#fff", //文本颜色
fontSize: "16",
textAlign: "center",
anchorX: -5, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
anchorY: -45, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
// x:39.909,//这个组件微信在1.2.0以后就废弃了
// y:116.39742,
bgColor: "#FF0000", //背景色
borderRadius: 10,
// borderWidth: 1, //边框宽度
// borderColor: '#D84C29', //边框颜色 textAlign: 'center' //文本对齐方式。
callout: {
//自定义标记点上方的气泡窗口 点击有效
content: site.siteName,
color: "#F76350",
fontSize: 12,
borderRadius: 5,
// anchor:{//经纬度在标注图标的锚点,默认底边中点
// x:5,
// y:1,
// }
<style scoped>
.cu-modal {
background-color: transparent;
top: initial;