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363 lines
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363 lines
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<template> |
<view class=" "> |
<cu-custom class="main-totextbar bg-main-oil" :isBack="true" bgColor="bg-main-oil"> |
<block slot="backText">返回</block> |
<block slot="content">申请开发票</block> |
</cu-custom> |
<view class="bg-main-oil padding-bottom-xl padding"> |
<view class="ext-center text-lg padding-sm "> |
开票金额 :{{realAmount}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view |
class="text-center shadow radius move-top bg-gray margin margin-top-0 margin-bottom-sm bg-white text-bold text-xl padding-lg"> |
<view class="Invoicing-header"> |
<view class="Invoicing-header-text text-df"> |
开票信息 |
</view> |
</view> |
<uni-forms ref="form" :rules="rules"> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group fixed-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">发票类型</view> |
<view class=" text-df margin-left-lg"> 普通电子发票 </view> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group fixed-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">抬头类型</view> |
<view class=" text-df margin-left-lg"> 企业 </view> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">发票抬头</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入发票抬头" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicName"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df margin-right-lg">税 号</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入税号" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-xl" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicTaxIdentiNumber"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">公司地址</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入公司地址" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicAddress"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">电话号码</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入电话号码" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicTel"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">开户银行</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入开户银行" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicOpenBank"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">银行账号</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入银行账号" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicBankNumber"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">发票备注</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入发票备注" name="input" class=" text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.remark"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
</uni-forms> |
</view> |
<view class="text-center shadow radius margin bg-white text-bold text-xl padding-lg"> |
<view class="Invoicing-header"> |
<view class="Invoicing-header-text text-df"> |
接收信息 |
</view> |
</view> |
<uni-forms ref="form" :rules="rules"> |
<uni-forms-item label="" class='cu-form-group' name=""> |
<view class=" text-df">电子邮箱</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入电子邮箱" name="input" class="text-df text-left margin-left-lg" |
v-model="Invoicing.invoicEmail"></input> |
</uni-forms-item> |
<view class="text-xs text-left padding-left-sm text-red"> |
请仔细核验邮箱号是否正确 |
</view> |
</uni-forms> |
</view> |
<view class="btn-box"> |
<view class="tip">功能暂时关闭 详情请咨询客服</view> |
<!-- <view class="cu-btn width-50 text-lg height-80 padding text-center" @tap="backtodetail"> |
取消 |
</view> |
<view @tap="saveInvoicRecord" |
class="cu-btn width-50 text-lg height-80 padding text-center bg-red text-white"> |
提交 |
</view> --> |
</view> |
<uni-popup ref="popup" :is-mask-click="false"> |
<view class="notice"> |
<view>用户通知</view> |
<view>{{noticeInstance.content}}</view> |
<view class="button-group"> |
<view @tap="back">取消</view> |
<view :style="{color:noticeInstance.countdown == 0 ? '#576B95' : '#d3d3d3'}" @tap="iKnow"> |
{{noticeInstance.confirmText}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</uni-popup> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import financelApi from '@/api/oil-finance.js' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
code: 0, |
realAmount: null, |
InvoiceType: '普通电子发票', |
InvoiceHeader: '企业', |
orderId: '', |
Invoicing: { //发票信息 |
customerId: '', |
invoicName: '', //发票抬头 |
invoicTaxIdentiNumber: '', //税号 |
invoicAddress: '', //公司地址 |
invoicTel: '', //公司电话号码 |
invoicOpenBank: '', //开户银行 |
invoicBankNumber: '', //银行账号 |
remark: '', //发票备注 |
invoicEmail: '', //电子邮箱, |
orderSerialNumber: '', //订单编号 |
clientBelong: 'BAICHUAN' |
}, |
noticeInstance: { |
content: '', |
countdown: 5, |
confirmText: '我已知晓(5s)' |
} |
} |
}, |
onLoad(options) { |
this.noticeInit() |
this.Invoicing.orderSerialNumber = options.orderId |
this.orderId = options.orderId |
this.Invoicing.customerId = options.customerId |
let realAmount = options.payRealAmount |
console.log(realAmount, '++++++++++++') |
this.code = options.code |
if (options.code == 2) { |
this.getchange(realAmount) |
} else if (options.code == 1) { |
this.realAmount = realAmount |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
noticeInit() { |
let timer = setInterval(() => { |
this.noticeInstance.countdown-- |
if (this.noticeInstance.countdown == 0) { |
this.noticeInstance.confirmText = '我已知晓' |
clearInterval(timer) |
return |
} |
this.noticeInstance.confirmText = `我已知晓(${this.noticeInstance.countdown}s)` |
}, 1000) |
let text = |
'本网站及与其链接网站仅提供求职、招聘及其它与此相关联之服务。个人招聘及其它与此相关联之服务。个人cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc招聘及其它与此相关联之服务。个人用户、企业用户和人力资源机构用户行为本网站及与其链接网站仅提供求职、招聘及其它与此相关联之服务。个人用户、企业用户和人力资源机构用户行为必须受以下所列条款制约,如若不接受该协议,则不能成为本网站用必须受以下所列条款制约,如若不接受该协议,则不能成为本网站用户,接受本声明之条款,表明你将遵守本协议之规定。该协议一经接受立即生效。本网站保留更新本协议,之后再通知客户的权力。如果您对本网站声明有关本协议的任何更改都是不可接受的,这样您享有的相关资格与服务即被取消;否则本网站将默认您的行为构成对本协议更改的接受。' |
this.noticeInstance.content = text + text + text + text |
this.$'center') |
}, |
back() { |
uni.navigateBack() |
}, |
iKnow() { |
if (this.noticeInstance.countdown) { |
return |
} |
this.$refs.popup.close() |
}, |
backtodetail() { |
uni.switchTab({ |
url: '../../pages/tabbar/order/orderList/orderList' |
}) |
}, |
getchange(realAmount) { |
console.log(realAmount) |
let _that = this |
financelApi.getRecordByOrderId(this.orderId).then((res) => { |
console.log('这里是修改处') |
console.log(res) |
_that.realAmount = parseFloat(realAmount) |
console.log(_that.realAmoun) |
_that.Invoicing = |
}) |
}, |
saveInvoicRecord() { |
console.log(this.code) |
if (this.code == 1) { |
console.log('这里是发布') |
console.log(this.Invoicing) |
|, { |
invoicAmount: this.realAmount |
})).then((res) => { |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
if ( != null && != null) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title:, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
return |
} |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/BagStation/InvoiceProgress/InvoiceProgress?orderId=' + this |
.Invoicing.orderSerialNumber |
}) |
} else { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: res.msg, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
}) |
} else if (this.code == 2) { |
console.log('这里是更新') |
financelApi.orderUpdate(Object.assign(this.Invoicing, { |
invoicAmount: this.realAmount |
})).then((res) => { |
console.log(res) |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
if ( != null && != null) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title:, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
return |
} |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/BagStation/InvoiceProgress/InvoiceProgress?orderId=' + this |
.Invoicing.orderSerialNumber |
}) |
} else { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: res.msg, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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