You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
850 lines
26 KiB
850 lines
26 KiB
<template> |
<view> |
<cu-custom class="main-totextbar bg-main-oil" :isBack="true" bgColor="bg-main-oil"> |
<block slot="backText">返回</block> |
<block slot="content">路径规划地图</block> |
</cu-custom> |
<view class="filter-container"> |
<sl-filter reflexTitle ref="slFilter" @result="filterRes" :menuList="menuList"></sl-filter> |
</view> |
<view class="map_box" ref='map_box'> |
<map id="navi_map" ref="navi_map" :longitude="origin.longitude" :latitude="origin.latitude" scale="12" @labeltap="markerTap" @markertap="markerTap" :markers="covers" :polyline="polyline" > |
</map> |
</view> |
<view class="site_info" v-if="showSiteDetail"> |
<view class="inner_container" > |
<view class=" siteName">{{oliSiteInfo.siteName}}</view> |
<view class=" detail flex "> |
<view class=" address_info">{{oliSiteInfo.address}}</view> |
<view class=" distances"> |
<view class="margin-top-sm margin-right-lg text-red-deep"> |
<text class='cuIcon-location'></text> |
<text > {{oliSiteInfo.distance}}KM</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class=" actions"> |
<view @tap="navigation">导航</view> |
<view @tap="gotoDetail">详情</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="close" @tap="showSiteDetail=false">×</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import amapFile from '../../../utils/amap-wx.130.js' |
import StationItem from '@/components/site-item/site-item.vue' |
import oilSiteApi from '../../../api/oil-site.js' |
import slFilter from '@/components/sl-filter/sl-filter.vue' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
oliSiteInfo:{},//存储所选 油站信息 |
controls: [{ //在地图上显示控件,控件不随着地图移动 |
id: 1, //控件id |
position: { //控件在地图的位置 |
left: 0, |
top: 15, |
width: 50, |
height: 50 |
}, |
}], |
menuList: [{ |
title: '距离', |
isMutiple: false, |
key: 'distance', |
detailList: [ |
{ |
title: "默认", |
value: 20 |
}, |
{ |
title: "20Km", |
value: 20 |
}, |
{ |
title: "30Km", |
value: 30 |
}, |
{ |
title: "50Km", |
value: 50 |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
title: '油品', |
key: 'oilProductCode', |
isMutiple: false, |
detailList: uni.getStorageSync('filterData') ? uni.getStorageSync('filterData')[1].detailList : [{ |
title: "默认", |
value: "0#" |
}] |
}, |
{ |
title: '是否高速', |
key: 'highSpeedMark', |
isSort: true, |
isMutiple: false, |
detailList: [ |
{ |
title: "全部", |
value: "" |
}, |
{ |
title: "是", |
value: '1' |
}, |
{ |
title: "否", |
value: '0' |
}, |
] |
}, |
{ |
title: '渠道', |
key: 'channelCode', |
isSort: true, |
isMutiple: false, |
detailList: uni.getStorageSync('filterData') ? uni.getStorageSync('filterData')[3]?.detailList : [{ |
title: "全部", |
value: "" |
}] |
} |
], |
searchInfo:{ |
juLi:20, //分别返回20公里,30公里以及50公里范围内油站数据 默认为20 Number |
oilProductCode:"0#", //油品,查询条件0#、-10#、-20#、-35# 为空默认查询0# String |
siteChannel: "" , //XOIL:星油WJY:万金油LV:老吕(找油网)TY:团油YDJY:一点加油(壳牌)为空默认查询全部 String |
geoList:[] |
}, |
changesJuli:0, |
covers: [], |
origin: { |
lon: '', |
lat: '', |
// tips: [], |
address: '' |
}, |
destination: { |
lon: '', |
lat: '', |
// tips: [], |
address: '' |
}, |
latitude: '', |
longitude: '', |
filterCondition: '', |
polyline: [ |
{ |
borderColor: "#00B373", |
color: "#00B373", |
points: [ |
] |
} |
], |
myAmapFun:new amapFile.AMapWX({key: '88f3d3a38da95c4dea388978a76d0b81'}), |
scale: 12, //地图层级 |
distance: '', |
cost: '', |
northeast: '', |
southwest: '', |
points: [], |
siteInfo: '', |
showSiteDetail: false, |
newOilVariety: [], |
newchannel:[], |
ChangeoilProductCode:'', |
changeOnload :{} |
} |
}, |
components:{ |
StationItem, |
slFilter |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.changeOnload = option |
if (!uni.getStorageSync('filterData')) { |
oilSiteApi.getConditionMenu().then(res=>{ |
if(res.code == 20000){ |
let oilVariety =, |
channel = |
this.newOilVariety = |
this.newchannel = |
this.getFilterData(oilVariety,channel) |
} |
}) |
} |
var that = this; |
this.origin = JSON.parse(option.origin ) |
this.destination = JSON.parse(option.destination) |
this.myAmapFun .getDrivingRoute({ |
origin: this.origin.longitude+","+this.origin.latitude, |
destination: this.destination.longitude+","+this.destination.latitude, |
success: function(data){ |
var points ={ |
juLi:20, //分别返回20公里,30公里以及50公里范围内油站数据 默认为20 Number |
oilProductCode:"", //油品,查询条件0#、-10#、-20#、-35# 为空默认查询全部 String |
siteChannel: "" , //XOIL:星油WJY:万金油LV:老吕(找油网)TY:团油YDJY:一点加油(壳牌)为空默认查询全部 String |
geoList:[] |
}; |
var lines= [] |
if(data.paths && data.paths[0] && data.paths[0].steps){ |
var steps = data.paths[0].steps; |
for(var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++){ |
var poLen = steps[i].polyline.split(';'); |
for(var j = 0;j < poLen.length; j++){ |
points.geoList.push({ |
lon: parseFloat(poLen[j].split(',')[0]), |
lat: parseFloat(poLen[j].split(',')[1]) |
}) |
lines.push({ |
longitude: parseFloat(poLen[j].split(',')[0]), |
latitude: parseFloat(poLen[j].split(',')[1]) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
that.points = points |
that.polyline= [{ |
points: lines, |
color: "#00B373", |
width: 6, |
borderColor: "#00B373", |
}] |
if(option.isChange == 1){ |
that.changeGetInfo() |
return |
} |
console.log("测试一下") |
console.log(that.polyline ) |
if(data.paths[0] && data.paths[0].distance){ |
that.distance = data.paths[0].distance + '米' |
} |
if(data.taxi_cost){ |
that.cost = '打车约' + parseInt(data.taxi_cost) + '元' |
} |
that.tempPoints = points; |
that.tempPoints.geoList= that.tempPoints.geoList.filter((item,index)=>{ |
return index % 20 == 0 |
}); |
// this.tempPoints.push( this.northeast ) |
// this.tempPoints.push( this.southwest ) |
console.log( '+++++++++++++++++++++++',that.tempPoints) |
let newPiont = [] |
oilSiteApi.getSiteByGeoHash(that.tempPoints).then(ele=>{ |
that.coverDatas =; |
// console.log("当前结果数据") |
// console.log(that.coverDatas) |
that.tempPoints =points |
// 包装成maker |
let nmbs = 0 |
|>{ |
// console.log('123' , |
let iconPath; |
if(item.siteChannel === 'LV'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/LV.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'TY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_TY.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'WJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_wjy.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'XOIL'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_xy.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'YDJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/YDJY.png'; |
} else{ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_qt.png'; |
} |
// item.distance= item.distance.toFixed(1); |
let result = { |
id: Number(,8)), |
siteId:, |
latitude: item.latitude, |
longitude: item.longitude, |
iconPath: iconPath, |
width: 52, |
height: 66, |
label: { //为标记点旁边增加标签 |
content:'', //文本 |
color: '#FFFFFF', //文本颜色 |
anchorX: -5, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
anchorY: -25 //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
} |
} |
newPiont.push(result) |
}) |
that.covers = newPiont |
// console.log('this.covers',that.covers) |
if(that.filterCondition != null && that.filterCondition != ''){ |
console.log(that.filterCondition) |
// this.filterCondition.distance = 3 |
that.filterRes(that.filterCondition) |
} |
}) |
}, |
fail: function(info){ |
} |
}) |
}, |
methods:{ |
changeGetInfo(){ |
let that = this |
this.searchInfo = uni.getStorageSync('searchInfo') |
let inifo =this.searchInfo , |
listGeo = that.points.geoList |
console.log(listGeo) |
var points ={ |
juLi:inifo.juLi,//分别返回20公里,30公里以及50公里范围内油站数据 默认为20 Number |
oilProductCode:inifo.oilProductCode,//油品,查询条件0#、-10#、-20#、-35# 为空默认查询全部 String |
siteChannel: inifo.siteChannel ,//XOIL:星油WJY:万金油LV:老吕(找油网)TY:团油YDJY:一点加油(壳牌)为空默认查询全部 String |
geoList:that.points.geoList |
}; |
console.log(points) |
let newPiont = [] |
oilSiteApi.getSiteByGeoHash(points).then(ele=>{ |
console.log('这里是change') |
that.coverDatas =; |
console.log("当前结果数据") |
console.log(that.coverDatas) |
that.tempPoints =points |
// 包装成maker |
let ishighSpeedMark =''+uni.getStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark') |
let coverList = [] |
console.log('ishighSpeedMark',ishighSpeedMark,typeof(ishighSpeedMark)) |
if(ishighSpeedMark!=''){ |
ishighSpeedMark = parseInt(ishighSpeedMark) |
if(ishighSpeedMark == 1 || ishighSpeedMark == 0 ){ |
console.log('进入') |
if(ishighSpeedMark == 1){ |
that.coverDatas =>{ |
if(item.highSpeedMark == 1){ |
coverList.push(item) |
console.log('123456',coverList) |
} |
}) |
} |
if(ishighSpeedMark == 0){ |
that.coverDatas =>{ |
if(item.highSpeedMark == 0){ |
coverList.push(item) |
console.log('3456',coverList) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
if(coverList.length>0){ |
that.coverDatas = coverList |
} |
console.log('+-+-+-+-+-',that.coverDatas) |
console.log('+-+-+-+-+-',coverList) |
let pointsList>{ |
let iconPath; |
if(item.siteChannel === 'LV'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/LV.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'TY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_TY.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'WJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_wjy.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'XOIL'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_xy.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'YDJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/YDJY.png'; |
} else{ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_qt.png'; |
} |
// item.distance= item.distance.toFixed(1); |
let result = { |
id: Number(,8)), |
siteId: item.siteCode, |
latitude: item.latitude, |
longitude: item.longitude, |
iconPath: iconPath, |
width: 52, |
height: 66, |
label: { //为标记点旁边增加标签 |
content:'', //文本 |
color: '#FFFFFF', //文本颜色 |
anchorX: -5, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
anchorY: -25 //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
} |
} |
return result |
}) |
that.covers = pointsList |
console.log('this.covers',that.covers) |
if(that.filterCondition != null && that.filterCondition != ''){ |
console.log("过滤数据") |
console.log(that.filterCondition) |
// this.filterCondition.distance = 3 |
that.filterRes(that.filterCondition) |
} |
}) |
}, |
// change距离重新渲染路径 |
changeJuLi(es){ |
let that = this |
let inifo = that.searchInfo, |
listGeo = that.points.geoList |
if(es){ |
var points ={ |
juLi:es, //分别返回20公里,30公里以及50公里范围内油站数据 默认为20 Number |
oilProductCode:inifo.oilProductCode, //油品,查询条件0#、-10#、-20#、-35# 为空默认查询全部 String |
siteChannel: inifo.siteChannel , //XOIL:星油WJY:万金油LV:老吕(找油网)TY:团油YDJY:一点加油(壳牌)为空默认查询全部 String |
geoList:listGeo |
}; |
}else{ |
var points ={ |
juLi:inifo.juLi, //分别返回20公里,30公里以及50公里范围内油站数据 默认为20 Number |
oilProductCode:inifo.oilProductCode, //油品,查询条件0#、-10#、-20#、-35# 为空默认查询全部 String |
siteChannel: inifo.siteChannel , //XOIL:星油WJY:万金油LV:老吕(找油网)TY:团油YDJY:一点加油(壳牌)为空默认查询全部 String |
geoList:listGeo |
}; |
} |
uni.setStorageSync('searchInfo',points) |
uni.redirectTo({ |
url:`/BagStation/pages/routePlainMap/routePlainMap?origin=${this.changeOnload.origin}&destination=${this.changeOnload.destination}&isChange=1` |
}) |
}, |
navigation(){ |
uni.openLocation({ |
latitude: this.oliSiteInfo.latitude, |
longitude: this.oliSiteInfo.longitude, |
success: function () { |
console.log('success'); |
} |
}); |
}, |
gotoDetail(){ |
let obj = { |
siteId :, |
siteCode:this.siteInfo.siteCode, |
siteChannel:this.siteInfo.siteChannel, |
longitude:this.siteInfo.longitude, |
latitude:this.siteInfo.latitude, |
} |
let itemS = JSON.stringify(obj) |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: `../stationDetail/stationDetail?item=${itemS}&&types=map` |
}) |
}, |
goDetail: function(){ |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url: '../navigation_car_detail/navigation' |
}) |
}, |
goToCar: function (e) { |
wx.redirectTo({ |
url: '../navigation_car/navigation' |
}) |
}, |
goToBus: function (e) { |
wx.redirectTo({ |
url: '../navigation_bus/navigation' |
}) |
}, |
goToRide: function (e) { |
wx.redirectTo({ |
url: '../navigation_ride/navigation' |
}) |
}, |
goToWalk: function (e) { |
wx.redirectTo({ |
url: '../navigation_walk/navigation' |
}) |
}, |
getFilterData(v,c) { //v:油站油品 c:油站渠道 |
oilSiteApi.getCheckInfo().then(res => { |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
let channelCodes = [] |
| => { |
channelCodes.push({ |
title:, |
value: |
}) |
}) |
let productCodes = [] |
| => { |
productCodes.push({ |
title:, |
value: |
}) |
}) |
let siteBrands = [] |
| => { |
siteBrands.push({ |
title:, |
value: |
}) |
}) |
console.log('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++',channelCodes, productCodes, siteBrands) |
this.menuList[3].detailList = this.menuList[3].detailList.concat(channelCodes) |
this.menuList[1].detailList = this.menuList[1].detailList.concat(productCodes) |
// this.menuList[2].detailList = this.menuList[2].detailList.concat(siteBrands) |
console.log('这里是旧获取菜单信息的地方',this.menuList) |
console.log('这里是新获取menus内容 渠道',c,'这里是新获取menus内容 渠道',v) |
uni.setStorageSync('filterData', this.menuList) |
// this.$refs.slFilter.resetMenuList(this.menuList) |
} |
}) |
}, |
markerTap(res){ |
console.log('这类似点击marker点',res) |
console.log('这类似点击marker点匹配',this.coverDatas) |
let site = this.coverDatas.filter(item=>Number(,8)) == res.detail.markerId ); |
console.log('*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*',site) |
this.siteInfo = site[0] |
if(this.siteInfo){ |
let userLocation = uni.getStorageSync('userLocation') |
let list = userLocation.split(','), |
longitude = list[0], |
latitude = list[1] |
let obj = { |
|, |
latitude:latitude , |
longitude: longitude , |
} |
console.log('点击获取obj',obj) |
oilSiteApi.getSiteDetails(obj).then(res=>{ |
if(res.code == 20000){ |
console.log(res) |
this.oliSiteInfo = |
this.oliSiteInfo.distance = /1000 |
this.showSiteDetail=true |
} else{ |
uni.showToast({ |
title:res.msg, |
icon:'none' |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
console.log('这里是siteInfo idS',this.siteInfo) |
}, |
//接口筛选 |
filterRes(res){ |
console.log(res) |
console.log("筛选前") |
console.log('list',res.highSpeedMark) |
if(res.distance){ |
if(res.distance != this.searchInfo.juLi){ |
// this.fistJli = 1 |
this.searchInfo.juLi = res.distance |
console.log('change前',res.distance) |
this.changeJuLi(res.distance ) |
return |
} |
} |
if(res.oilProductCode){ |
if(res.oilProductCode != this.searchInfo.oilProductCode){ |
// this.fistJli = 1 |
this.searchInfo.oilProductCode = res.oilProductCode |
console.log('change前',res.oilProductCode) |
this.changeJuLi() |
return |
} |
} |
if(res.channelCode){ |
if(res.channelCode != this.searchInfo.siteChannel){ |
// this.fistJli = 1 |
this.searchInfo.siteChannel = res.channelCode |
console.log('change前',res.channelCode) |
this.changeJuLi() |
return |
} |
} |
if(res.highSpeedMark){ |
console.log('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++是否高速') |
let changIs = uni.getStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark') |
if(!changIs){ |
changIs = res.highSpeedMark |
console.log(changIs) |
uni.setStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark',parseInt(changIs)) |
this.changeJuLi() |
return |
} |
if(res.highSpeedMark != changIs){ |
// this.fistJli = 1 |
console.log('这里是油站是否高速') |
let changIs = uni.getStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark') |
changIs = res.highSpeedMark |
console.log(changIs) |
uni.setStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark',parseInt(changIs)) |
// if(item.highSpeedMark = res.highSpeedMark ){ |
this.changeJuLi() |
return |
} |
} |
// if(res.highSpeedMark != null && res.highSpeedMark != '' ){ |
// console.log('这里是油站是否高速') |
// let changIs = uni.getStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark') |
// changIs = res.highSpeedMark |
// console.log(changIs) |
// uni.setStorageSync('ishighSpeedMark',changIs) |
// // if(item.highSpeedMark = res.highSpeedMark ){ |
// this.changeJuLi() |
// return |
// // } |
// } |
// console.log(this.coverDatas) |
this.filterCondition = res |
let tmpCoverDatas = this.coverDatas.filter(item=>{ |
// if(res.highSpeedMark != null && res.highSpeedMark != '' ){ |
// console.log('这里是油站是否高速') |
// // if(item.highSpeedMark = res.highSpeedMark ){ |
// return item.highSpeedMark == res.highSpeedMark |
// // } |
// } |
// if(res.channelCode != null && res.channelCode != '' && res.channelCode != item.siteChannel){ |
// console.log('这里是油站渠道') |
// return item.channelCode === res.channelCode |
// } |
// if(res.oilProductCode != null && res.oilProductCode != '' ){ |
// console.log('这里是油站油品') |
// return item.oilProductCode == res.oilProductCode |
// // for(let ele of item){ |
// // console.log('测试内容',ele) |
// // if(ele != res.oilProductCode) return false; |
// // } |
// } |
return true; |
}) |
console.log("筛选后") |
console.log(this.coverDatas) |
console.log('这里是筛选后 tmpCoverDatas+++++++++++++++++++++',tmpCoverDatas) |
// this.$refs.navi_map.clear() |
// console.log(this.covers) |
this.covers = [] |
this.covers =>{ |
let iconPath; |
if(item.siteChannel === 'LV'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/LV.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'TY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_TY.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'WJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_wjy.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'XOIL'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_xy.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'YDJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/YDJY.png'; |
} else{ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_qt.png'; |
} |
let result = { |
id: Number(,8)), |
siteId:, |
latitude: item.latitude, |
longitude: item.longitude, |
iconPath: iconPath, |
width: 52, |
height: 66, |
label: { //为标记点旁边增加标签 |
content:'', //文本 |
color: '#FFFFFF', //文本颜色 |
anchorX: -5, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
anchorY: -25, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
} |
} |
return result |
}) |
console.log("筛选过后的数据"); |
console.log(this.covers); |
// highSpeedMark = [] |
// this.$refs.navi_map.removeMarkers() |
// this.$refs.navi_map.addMarkers(this.covers) |
}, |
moveMap(res){ |
console.log(res) |
if(res.type == "end"){ |
this.northeast = res.detail.region.northeast |
this.southwest = res.detail.region.southwest |
console.log('这里是this.northeast ',this.northeast ) |
console.log('这里是this.southwest ',this.southwest ) |
this.tempPoints = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.points)); |
this.tempPoints= this.tempPoints.filter((item,index)=>{ |
return index % 35 == 0 |
}); |
// this.tempPoints.push( this.northeast ) |
// this.tempPoints.push( this.southwest ) |
console.log( '+++++++++++++++++++++++',this.tempPoints) |
oilSiteApi.getSiteByGeoHash(this.tempPoints).then(ele=>{ |
this.coverDatas =; |
console.log("当前结果数据") |
console.log(this.coverDatas) |
this.tempPoints = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.points)) |
// 包装成maker |
this.covers =>{ |
let iconPath; |
if(item.siteChannel === 'LV'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/LV.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'TY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/change_TY.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'WJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/WJY.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'XOIL'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/XOIL.png'; |
}else if(item.siteChannel == 'YDJY'){ |
iconPath ='../../static/img/YDJY.png'; |
} |
// item.distance= item.distance.toFixed(1); |
console.log('这里是id',,typeof( |
let result = { |
id: Number(,8)), |
siteId:, |
latitude: item.latitude, |
longitude: item.longitude, |
iconPath: iconPath, |
width: 80, |
height: 26, |
label: { //为标记点旁边增加标签 |
content: 'test', //文本 |
color: '#FFFFFF', //文本颜色 |
anchorX: -5, //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
anchorY: -25 //label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度 |
} |
} |
return result |
}) |
console.log('this.covers',this.covers) |
if(this.filterCondition != null && this.filterCondition != ''){ |
console.log("过滤数据") |
console.log(this.filterCondition) |
// this.filterCondition.distance = 3 |
this.filterRes(this.filterCondition) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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