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472 lines
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472 lines
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<template> |
<view class="bg-white page-content"> |
<view class="bg-img padding-bottom-lg flex align-center" |
:style="'background-image: url('+yellowURL+'wd-sz-bg.png);height: 600upx;'"> |
<view class="padding-xl margin-top bg-tm text-white top-part"> |
<view class="padding-xs padding-top-lg text-sm padding-top"> |
Hi,{{(|nameKong}}师傅,愿你开心每一天! |
</view> |
<view class="padding-xs padding-bottom-lg"> |
<view class="cu-list menu-avatar padding-bottom-lg"> |
<view class="cu-item bg-tm no-mr-border"> |
<view v-if="wxInfo.avatarUrl" class="cu-avatar round xl" @tap="getUserInfo" |
:style="'background-image:url('+wxInfo.avatarUrl+')'"> |
</view> |
<view v-else class="cu-avatar round xl" @tap="getUserInfo" |
:style="'background-image:url('+yellowURL+'default-avator.png)'"> |
</view> |
<view class="content padding padding-top-sm" @tap="onTapUserInfo"> |
<view class="text-cut text-xl padding-bottom-xs"> |
{{(|nameKong}} |
</view> |
<view class="text-sm"> |
<view class="text-cut zh-label">ID:{{user.userCode?user.userCode:'未登录'}}</view> |
<view class="text-cut zh-label">{{user.userPhone?user.userPhone:'点击登录'}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="action" @tap="onTapUserInfo"> |
<text class="cuIcon-right text-lg"></text> |
<image class="qrcode" src="../../../static/img/erweima-white.png"></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="position: relative;" class="xu-content margin"> |
<view @click="isSwitchEnterprises=true" class="switch">切换企业</view> |
<view class="bg-white self-card person-card radius my-shadow" v-if="isCompany"> |
<view class="flex solid-bottom padding-xs justify-between company-vip"> |
<view style="display: flex;" class="radius padding-xs text-xs"> |
<!-- <text class="icon-company cuIcon-crownfill padding-right-xs"></text> --> |
<!-- <my-icon iconName="wd-qy-hy.png" class="padding-right-xs"></my-icon> --> |
<text class="icon-company text-xs">{{}}</text> |
<view |
:class="company_tag===1?'company_tag company_tag_SelfOperated':'company_tag company_tag_externalOperated'"> |
{{companyCard.companyNature===1?'自营':'外请'}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-sm margin-bottom" @tap="toCards"> |
<view class="color-666 text-sm"> |
</view> |
<view class=" padding-sm text-center"> |
<view class="text-sl text-bold text-black"> |
{{userTotal.oilCardTotalPrice|moneyFormat}} |
</view> |
<view class="text-sm"> |
钱包余额(元) |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="text-center"> |
<text class="text-sm">您一共有 |
<text |
class="oil-main-color padding-left-xs padding-right-xs">{{userTotal.oilCardNumber}}</text> |
张油卡</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="xu-content card-menu margin margin-bottom-xs radius my-shadow"> |
<view class=" cu-list sm-border grid col-4 no-border "> |
<view class="cu-item"> |
<view class=" padding-tb-0"> |
<view class="image-self-view"> |
<img :src="yellowURL+'wd-ic-1.png'" lazy-load class="png" mode="widthFix"></img> |
</view> |
</view> |
<text>红包卡券</text> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-item"> |
<view class=" padding-tb-0"> |
<view class="image-self-view"> |
<img :src="yellowURL+'wd-ic-2.png'" lazy-load class="png" mode="widthFix"></img> |
</view> |
</view> |
<text>活动通知</text> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-item"> |
<view class=" padding-tb-0"> |
<view class="image-self-view"> |
<img :src="yellowURL+'wd-ic-3.png'" lazy-load class="png" mode="widthFix"></img> |
</view> |
</view> |
<text>推荐有礼</text> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-item" @tap="goToPage('/BagAuth/pages/agreeMent/OperationGuide')"> |
<view class=" padding-tb-0"> |
<view class="image-self-view"> |
<img :src="yellowURL+'wd-ic-4.png'" lazy-load class="png" mode="widthFix"></img> |
</view> |
</view> |
<text>操作说明</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="xu-content padding-sm"> |
<view class="cu-list menu"> |
<view class="cu-item hidden-cu-item"> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-item arrow" @click="goIntegral"> |
<view class="content"> |
<!-- <image :src="imgURL+'yunsite-kefu.png'" class="png" mode="aspectFit"></image> --> |
<text class="text-grey padding-left-sm">我的积分</text> |
</view> |
<view class="action"> |
<!-- <button class="cu-btn oil-main-btn-color" open-type="contact" @contact="onContact"> --> |
<!-- <text class="text-grey text-sm">打开会话</text> --> |
<!-- </button> --> |
<view>{{balance}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-item arrow" @click="makeCall"> |
<view class="content"> |
<!-- <image :src="imgURL+'yunsite-kefu.png'" class="png" mode="aspectFit"></image> --> |
<text class="text-grey padding-left-sm">专属客服</text> |
</view> |
<view class="action"> |
<!-- <button class="cu-btn oil-main-btn-color" open-type="contact" @contact="onContact"> --> |
<!-- <text class="text-grey text-sm">打开会话</text> --> |
<!-- </button> --> |
<!-- <view class="cu-btn oil-main-btn-color" @click="makeCall"> |
<text class="text-grey text-sm">联系客服</text> |
</view> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-item arrow"> |
<view class="content"> |
<!-- <image :src="imgURL+'yunsite-about.png'" class="png" mode="aspectFit"></image> --> |
<text class="text-grey padding-left-sm">关于我们</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<SwitchEnterprises @submit='upadteCompanyCard' @logout='logout' :is-show.sync="isSwitchEnterprises"> |
</SwitchEnterprises> |
<!-- <tabbar :current-page="4"/> --> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import oilSiteApi from '@/api/oil-site.js' |
import SwitchEnterprises from '@/components/SwitchEnterprises.vue' |
import accountApi from '@/api/account.js' |
import integralServe from '@/api/integral.js' |
export default { |
components: { |
SwitchEnterprises |
}, |
props: { |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
companyCard: null, |
isSwitchEnterprises: false, |
showCard: [], |
hideCard: [], |
cardSum: [], |
yellowURL:, |
imgURL:, |
starUrl:, |
isCompany: uni.getStorageSync('accountStatus'), |
user: uni.getStorageSync('user'), |
wxInfo: uni.getStorageSync('wxInfo'), |
userTotal: {}, |
balance: '' |
}; |
}, |
onShow() { |
this.getAuthInfo() |
this.getAmount(); |
this.upadteCompanyCard() |
this.getByCustomerId() |
}, |
methods: { |
goIntegral() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: './integralRecord' |
}) |
}, |
getByCustomerId() { |
integralServe.getByCustomerId( => { |
if (res.code === 20000) { |
this.balance = |
} |
}) |
}, |
logout() { |
this.isSwitchEnterprises = false |
}, |
upadteCompanyCard() { |
if (uni.getStorageSync('companyCard')) { |
this.companyCard = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('companyCard')) |
} |
}, |
goToPage(url) { |
if (!url) return; |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url |
}); |
}, |
getAuthInfo() { |
oilSiteApi.getUserAuthInfo().then(res => { |
if (res.code === 20000) { |
// realStatus: 0 vehicleStatus: 0 |
if (this.showAuthFrzen <= new Date().getTime()) { |
this.showAuthFrror = && ? false : true |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
getUserInfo() { |
uni.getUserProfile({ |
desc: '获取您的头像昵称', |
success: (res) => { |
console.log(res) |
this.wxInfo = JSON.parse(res.rawData) |
uni.setStorageSync('wxInfo', JSON.parse(res.rawData)) |
}, |
complete: (msg) => { |
console.log(msg) |
} |
}) |
}, |
onTapUserInfo() { |
if (uni.getStorageSync('user')) { |
this.routerTo('/BagSetup/setup/setup') |
} else { |
uni.reLaunch({ |
url: '../../../BagAuth/pages/login/login' |
}) |
} |
}, |
toCards() { |
if (Number(this.userTotal.oilCardNumber) <= 0) return |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/BagMoney/pages/oilCards/oilCards' |
}) |
}, |
async getAmount() { |
await accountApi.getTotalOilCardInfo().then(res => { |
console.log(1) |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
this.userTotal = |
} |
}) |
await accountApi.getUserAccount().then(res => { |
console.log(2) |
this.showCard = [] |
| => { |
this.showCard.push(item.companyId) |
}) |
}) |
await accountApi.getSyncDeductions().then(res => { |
console.log(3) |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
this.cardSum = this.showCard.filter(item => ! |
} |
}) |
}, |
copy() { |
uni.setClipboardData({ |
data: 'lallalala', |
success() { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '复制成功', |
position: 'bottom', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
toAuth() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/authentication/authForm/authForm' |
}) |
}, |
toQrcode() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/qrcode/qrcodeList/qrcodeList' |
}); |
}, |
routerTo(url) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: url |
}); |
}, |
toLogin() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: 'pages/login/login' |
}); |
}, |
// 拨打电话 |
makeCall() { |
uni.makePhoneCall({ |
phoneNumber: '4008-56-5355' //仅为示例 |
}) |
}, |
onContact(e) { |
// console.log(e) |
} |
}, |
filters: { |
moneyFormat(value) { |
if (value) { |
return value.toFixed(2) |
} else { |
return '0.00' |
} |
}, |
nameKong(value) { |
if (value) { |
return value |
} else { |
return '' |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
</script> |
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