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472 lines
13 KiB
472 lines
13 KiB
<template> |
<view> |
<cu-custom class="main-totextbar bg-main-oil" :isPay='true' :isBack="true" bgColor="bg-main-oil"> |
<block slot="backText">返回</block> |
<block slot="content">订单支付结果</block> |
</cu-custom> |
<!-- <view class="bg-main-oil padding-bottom"> |
<view class="text-center text-bold text-xl padding-xl"> |
{{order.orderState|statusConduct}} |
</view> |
</view> --> |
<view class="qr-container margin move-tops padding-bottom-xs text-centers my-shadow" v-if="showQr"> |
<view class="qr-container "> |
<view class="qrimg"> |
<view class="qrimg" @tap="newQrString"> |
<tki-qrcode ref="qrcode" cid="2" loadMake :val="val" :size="250" unit="upx" |
background="#fff" foreground="#000" pdground="#000" :icon="iconUrl" iconSize="40" onval |
:usingComponents="usingComponents" showLoading /> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="text-center text-sm justify-center align-center flex"> |
<image src="../static/img/YDJY.png" mode="" style="width: 60upx;height:60upx;" class="margin-right-sm"></image> |
<text>壳牌 {{test}} {{tsets}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="text-center padding-top text-sm margin-bottom"> |
提示:该二维码每隔3分钟自动刷新一次 |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="move-top bg-white radius my-shadow solid-top margin margin-top-0"> |
<!-- <view class=" text-center padding-sm margin-bottom-sm" v-if="status=='success'"> |
请提醒加油员使用 |
<text class="oil-main-color">“星油云站”</text> |
进行订单核实 |
</view> --> |
<view class="padding"> |
<view class="text-center text-xl padding-xl"> |
{{order.orderState|statusConduct}} |
</view> |
<view class="text-center text-xl padding-xl text-red" style="padding-top: 10rpx;"> |
¥{{order.realAmount?order.realAmount:order.oldRealAmount?order.oldRealAmount:'0'}} |
</view> |
<view class="text-center text-xl padding-xl dashed-bottom" style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-around;padding-bottom: 45rpx;" v-if="order.haveRefund == '1'"> |
<view class="text-center-balance"> |
<text>原金额</text> |
</br> |
<text>{{order.oldRealAmount}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
- |
</view> |
<view class="text-center-balance"> |
<text>退款金额</text> |
</br> |
<text>{{order.refundAmount}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left padding-top" style="margin-top: 10px;"> |
站点/商家: |
<text class="fr nowrap"> |
{{order.siteName}} </text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
站点类型: |
<text class="fr">{{order.formats == '1'?'加注机':'桶装'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="" v-if="dataList.formats == '1'"> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
加注量: |
<text class="fr">{{order.oldRealLiter}}升</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
实际加注量: |
<text class="fr">{{order.realLiter?order.realLiter:'0'}}升</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
单价: |
<text class="fr">¥{{order.realPrice?order.realPrice:'0'}}/L</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="" v-if="order.xoilUreaOrderRelations != ''"> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
加注明细 |
</view> |
<view class="formats_box"> |
<view class="formats_box_list" v-for="(list,index) in order.xoilUreaOrderRelations" :key='index'> |
<view class="formats_box_list_left w30"> |
{{list.brandName}} |
</view> |
<view class="formats_box_list_main w30">{{list.options}}/桶<text style="color: red;">X{{list.goodsQuantity}}</text> </view> |
<view class="formats_box_list_right w30">¥{{list.totalPrice}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
支付金额: |
<text |
class=" fr">¥{{order.oldRealAmount?order.oldRealAmount:'0'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
实际金额支付: |
<text class="text-red fr">¥{{order.realAmount?order.realAmount:'0'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
支付方式: |
<text |
class="text-red fr">{{order.payStyle|payStyleList}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
司机信息: |
<text class=" fr">{{order.driverName}}-{{order.driverPhone}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left" v-if='order.formats != "2"'> |
加油车牌: |
<text class=" fr">{{order.vehicleNo}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
油卡类型: |
<text class=" fr">{{order.oilCardNature |oilCardNatureName }}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="move-top bg-white radius my-shadow solid-top margin margin-top-0"> |
<view class="padding"> |
<view class=""> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
交易订单: |
<text class=" fr">{{order.orderId}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="padding-tb-xs text-left"> |
交易时间: |
<text class=" fr">{{order.createTime}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="padding bg-white "> |
<!-- <view class="flex margin-bottom" v-if="order.orderStatus==0"> |
<button class="cu-btn block flex-sub lg bg-main-oil " |
@tap="makePay">立即支付</button> |
<button class="cu-btn block flex-sub lg margin-left" |
@tap="cancelOrder">取消订单</button> |
</view> --> |
<view class="cu-btn bg-white oil-main-color block flex-sub lg" @click="makeCall"> |
<text class="cuIcon-service padding-right-sm">联系客服</text> |
</view> |
<view class="padding "> |
<view class=" margin-bottom" v-if="order.orderState == '0'"> |
<button class="cu-btn block flex-sub margin-bottom-sm lg bg-main-oil " |
@tap="makePay">立即支付</button> |
<button class="cu-btn block flex-sub lg " |
@tap="cancelOrder">取消订单</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <button class=" cu-btn bg-white oil-main-color block flex-sub lg " open-type="contact"><text class="cuIcon-service padding-right-sm"></text> 在线客服</button> --> |
<!-- <button class="cu-btn block lg margin-top " @tap="delOrder">删除订单</button> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import orderApi from '@/api/oil-order.js' |
import tkiQrcode from "@/components/tki-qrcode/tki-qrcode.vue" //二维码生成器 |
import oilSiteApi from '@/api/oil-site.js' |
import ureaFinanceApi from '../../api/urea_finance.js' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
showQr:false, |
val:'', |
id: '', |
test:null, |
tsets:'', |
order:{} , |
dataList:{} |
} |
}, |
onShareAppMessage(res) { |
return { |
title: '订单' + this.order.orderSerialNumber, |
path: `/BagStation/orderDetail/orderDetail?id=${this.order.orderSerialNumber}`, |
imageUrl: '', |
desc: '加油超便宜', |
content: 'this.share.content', |
success(res) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '分享成功' |
}) |
}, |
fail(res) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '分享失败', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
} |
}, |
components:{ |
tkiQrcode |
}, |
methods: { |
// 拨打电话 |
makeCall() { |
uni.makePhoneCall({ |
phoneNumber: '4008-56-5355' //仅为示例 |
}) |
}, |
// newQrString() { |
// this.getOrderQrCode() |
// }, |
// getOrderQrCode(){ |
// oilSiteApi.getOrderQrCode(this.order.orderSerialNumber).then( (res)=>{ |
// console.log(res) |
// this.val = |
// if(res.code == 40000){ |
// this.showQr = false |
// }else if(res.code == 20000){ |
// this.showQr = true |
// this.val |
// } |
// } ) |
// }, |
onCopy(id) { |
uni.setClipboardData({ |
data: id, |
success: () => { |
uni.showToast({ |
icon: 'none', |
title: '订单号复制成功' |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
getOrderInfo(info) { |
console.log(info) |
if(info =='1'){ |
orderApi.findOneByOrderId(this.orderId).then(res => { |
console.log(res) |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
// uni.setStorageSync('oilItem', |
this.dataList = |
this.order = |
} |
}) |
}else if(info == '2'){ |
console.log(this.dataList.orderId,'this.dataList.orderId') |
orderApi.queryBarrelOrderDetails(this.orderId).then(res => { |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
// uni.setStorageSync('oilItem', |
this.order = |
console.log( |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
cancelOrder() { |
ureaFinanceApi.cancelTheOrder(this.dataList.orderId).then(res => { |
console.log(res) |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: res.msg, |
icon: 'none', |
duration: 1000 |
}) |
setTimeout(() => { |
uni.navigateBack() |
}, 1000) |
} |
}) |
}, |
makePay() { |
uni.setStorageSync('ureaOrderMade',this.order) |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/BagStation/pages/makeOrder/orderPaying?type=urea' |
}) |
}, |
delOrder() { |
orderApi.delOrder( => { |
if (res.code == 20000) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: res.msg, |
icon: 'none', |
duration: 1000 |
}) |
setTimeout(() => { |
uni.switchTab({ |
url: '/pages/tabbar/home/home' |
}) |
}, 1000) |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
// console.log(JSON.parse( |
let options =option |
console.log(options) |
if(options){ |
if(options.type == 'orderList'){ |
this.dataList= JSON.parse( |
let options = JSON.parse( |
this.test = |
this.orderId = options.orderId |
this.tsets = |
this.typeFor = options.formats |
this.getOrderInfo( options.formats) |
} else if(options.type == 'orderPay'){ |
let info = uni.getStorageSync('ureaOrderMade') |
this.test = |
this.orderId = info.orderId |
this.tsets = |
this.getOrderInfo(info.formats) |
} else{ |
this.dataList= JSON.parse( |
let options = JSON.parse( |
console.log('++++++++++++++++++',,this.dataList) |
this.test = |
this.orderId = options.orderId |
this.tsets = |
this.typeFor = options.formats |
this.getOrderInfo( options.formats) |
} |
} |
}, |
filters: { |
payStyleList(value){ |
if(value){ |
switch (value) { |
case '0': |
return '个人微信支付' |
case '1': |
return '个人支付宝支付' |
case '2': |
return '个人余额支付' |
case '3': |
return '企业余额支付' |
} |
} |
}, |
statusConduct(value) { |
// 备注:订单状态 0:待支付, 1:已支付 ,-1:支付失败 ,2:已取消,3:已退款 |
// switch value |
// case "0" |
// return '待支付' |
console.log(value,'打印value') |
switch (value) { |
case '0': |
return '订单待支付' |
case '1': |
return '订单已支付' |
case '-1': |
return '订单支付失败' |
case '2': |
return '订单已取消' |
case '3': |
return '订单已退款' |
case '4': |
return '退款中' |
case '5': |
return '已退款' |
case '9': |
return '支付成功' |
} |
}, |
oilCardNatureF(value) { |
// 备注 油卡性质 1:个人 2:企业 3:外请 |
// switch value |
// case "0" |
// return '待支付' |
switch (value + '') { |
case '1': |
return '个人' |
case '2': |
return '企业' |
case '3': |
return '外请' |
} |
}, |
oilCardNatureName(value){ |
if(value == '0' ){ |
return '外请' |
}else if(value == '1' ){ |
return '自营' |
} |
}, |
channelCodeFamt(value) { |
if (value) { |
// 渠道编码 ( XOIL:星油 WJY:万金油 LV:老吕(找油网) TY:团油 YDJY:一点加油(壳牌)) |
switch (value) { |
case 'XOIL': |
return '星油' |
case 'WJY': |
return '万金油' |
case 'LV': |
return '其他' |
case 'TY': |
return '团油' |
case 'YDJY': |
return '一点加油(壳牌)' |
} |
} |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
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