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<view class="content bg-white position-re">
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<block slot="content">中石化紫云路</block>
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<view class="bg-img fixed-top flex align-end margin-bottom-lg "
:style="'background-image: url('+imgURL+'site-bg.png '+');width: 750upx;height: 326rpx;background-size:cover'">
<image v-if="isShow" @tap="goBack" :src="imgURL+'site-back.png'" width="20upx" mode="widthFix"
class="position-ab site-back">
<view class="cu-list menu margin padding-sm radius my-shadow bg-white yu-card-xuan">
<view class="cu-item ">
<view class="content" style="overflow: hidden;">
<view style="width: 100%; display: flex;" class="strong padding-bottom-xs">
<text style="width: 100%;flex: 1;" class="text-cut">{{siteInfo.siteName}}</text>
<!-- <text v-if="siteInfo.siteLevel" class="cu-tag round bg-self-yellow yu-tag text-xs tag-red" style="margin-left: 20px;">{{siteInfo.siteLevel}}级</text> -->
<view class="font-12 color-999 site-label text-cut">
<view class="font-12 color-999 site-label text-cut">
营业时间 00:00 至 23:59
<view style="" class="action " @tap="openMap">
<view class="oil-main-color">
<my-icon iconName="sy-der-icon.png" class="padding-right-xs text-sm"></my-icon>
<view class="bg-img placeholder-hidden flex align-end margin-bottom-lg "
:style="'background-image: url('+imgURL+'site-bg.png '+');width: 750upx;height: 326rpx;background-size:cover'">
<image @tap="goBack" :src="imgURL+'site-back.png'" width="20upx" mode="widthFix"
class="position-ab site-back">
<view class="flex-sub">
<view class="cu-list menu margin padding-sm radius my-shadow bg-white yu-card-xuan">
<view class="cu-item ">
<view class="content">
<view class="strong padding-bottom-xs">
<view class="font-12 color-999 site-label text-cut">
<view class="font-12 color-999 site-label text-cut">
营业时间 00:00 至 23:59
<view class="action " @tap="openMap">
<view class="oil-main-color">
<my-icon iconName="sy-der-icon.png" class="padding-right-xs text-sm"></my-icon>
<view class="placeholder margin-bottom">
<!-- 价格 -->
<price-tab @onChangeChannelCode="getChannelCode" @onChangePayQr="onChangePayQr" @onChangePay="onChangePay"
:channel-list="siteInfo.oilSiteChannelDetailsVos" :channelPrice="siteInfo"></price-tab>
<!-- 客户评价 -->
<view class="bg-gray padding-top-sm " v-if="siteInfo.xoilUreaPriceVos">
<view class="bg-white padding ">
<view class="padding-top-sm">
<view class="nsjz-flex">
<view class="nsjz-flex-left">
<image :src="ureaproductType == 2?areaLogoUrl1:areaLogoUrl" mode=""
style="width: 36rpx;height: 36rpx;"></image>
<view class="nsjz-flex-left-body">
<text>{{ureaproductType == '2'?'品牌桶装尿素':'加注机'}}</text>
<text v-if="ureaproductType == 2">{{areaPrice}}元/桶<text
style="font-size: 12px;margin: 0;">起</text></text>
<text v-if="ureaproductType == 1">¥{{areaPrice}}/L</text>
<view class="nsjz-flex-botton" @tap="areaJump">
{{ureaproductType == 2?'去购买':'去加注'}}
<view style="margin-left: 56rpx;font-size: 12px;">
<!-- 客户评价 -->
<view class="bg-gray padding-top-sm ">
<view class="bg-white padding ">
<view class="padding-top-sm">
<text class="cu-tag margin-right-xs"> 服务周到</text>
<text class="cu-tag margin-right-xs">交通便利</text>
<text class="cu-tag margin-right-xs">便捷高效</text>
<!-- 客户订单 -->
<view class="bg-gray padding-top-sm ">
<view class="cu-list bg-white no-border menu padding-top ">
<text class="padding margin-top">客户订单</text>
<view class="cu-item " v-for="(itm,index) in siteInfo.oilSiteOrderInfoVos" :key="index">
<text class="text-black">
{{itm.userName|usernameF}} {{itm.plateNumber|plateNumberF}}
<text class=" text-black "> {{itm.oilsCode}} {{itm.volume}}L 节省 <text class="text-red">
<view class="cu-item no-border"
v-if="siteInfo.oilSiteOrderInfoVos && !siteInfo.oilSiteOrderInfoVos.length">
<!-- 底部去支付 -->
<view class="" v-if="activePay||qrcodePay">
<view class="btn bg-white placeholder-hidden">
<view class="flex bg-white padding flex-direction">
<button class="cu-btn block bg-main-oil lg" v-if="activePay" @tap="makePay">
<image class="site-icon margin-right-sm" :src="imgURL+'site-yz.png'" mode="widthFix">
<button v-if="qrcodePay" class="cu-btn block bg-main-oil margin-tb-sm lg" @tap="siteQrPay">
<image class="site-icon margin-right-sm" :src="imgURL+'site-qr.png'" mode="widthFix">
<view class="btn bg-white fixed ">
<view class="flex bg-white padding flex-direction">
<button class="cu-btn block bg-main-oil lg" v-if="activePay" @tap="makePay">
<image class="site-icon margin-right-sm" :src="imgURL+'site-yz.png'" mode="widthFix">
<button v-if="qrcodePay" class="cu-btn block bg-main-oil margin-tb-sm lg" @tap="siteQrPay">
<image class="site-icon margin-right-sm" :src="imgURL+'site-qr.png'" mode="widthFix">
<view class=" cu-modal show" v-show="showtitle">
<view class="cu-dialog overflow-unset dialog-box box-paddings">
<view class="close-icon" @tap="hidendialog">
<image src="https://xoi-support.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/星油运营小程序/close.png" mode=""
style="width:50rpx;height: 50rpx;"></image>
<view class="">
<image src="https://xoi-support.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/星油运营小程序/errIcon.png" mode=""
style="width:100rpx;height: 100rpx;"></image>
<view class="cu-bar box-panding text-centerS">
<text class="headShow"> 支付提醒 </text>
<view class="cu-bar box-panding">
<text class="showtext">当前油站距离您较远,请与加油员确认您选择的油站是否正确。</text>
<view class="checklocation_box_button">
<view v-if="isShow" class="cu-tn btn-box red_btn" @tap="backTohome">
<view class="cu-tn btn-box" @tap="gotoPay">
<view class="customer-service" @click="arousePhone">
<image src="../../static/img/customer-service.png"></image>
import oilSiteApi from '@/api/oil-site.js'
import priceTab from '../components/price-tab.vue'
export default {
components: {
onHide() {
// console.log('这里是hiden')
onUnload() {
// console.log('这里是卸载页面')
data() {
return {
showtitle: false,
radio: 'B',
areaLogoUrl: '../../../static/img/xy-jyz.png',
areaLogoUrl1: '../../../static/img/xy-ns.png',
mainURL: this.global.mainURL,
imgURL: this.global.imgURL,
active: 0,
ColorList: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
siteInfo: {},
activeCur: '',
activePay: null,
qrcodePay: null,
siteId: '',
activeChannelCode: '',
secondChannelCode: '',
ureaNum: false,
ureaproductType: '',
areaPrice: '',
isShow: true
onHide() {
onLoad(option) {
if (option.siteId && !option.customerJump) {
this.isShow = false
this.siteId = option.siteId
uni.setStorageSync('siteId', option.siteId)
let oilItem = option.channerCode == 'TY' ? uni.getStorageSync('OtherSiteInfo') : option.item ? JSON.parse(
option.item) : {
siteId: option.siteId
uni.setStorageSync('oilItem', oilItem)
this.siteId = oilItem.siteId
if (oilItem.listTag == '万金油') {
this.audioUrl = 'https://publicxingyou.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mp-oil/wanjinyou.mp3'
} else if (oilItem.listTag == '星油') {
this.audioUrl = 'https://publicxingyou.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mp-oil/xingyouyunzhan.mp3'
} else if (oilItem.listTag == '壳牌') {
this.audioUrl = 'https://publicxingyou.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mp-oil/qiaopainew.mp3'
} else if (oilItem.listTag == '上汽联名卡') {
this.audioUrl = 'https://publicxingyou.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mp-oil/shangqi.mp3'
} else if (oilItem.listTag == '集卡加油') {
this.audioUrl = 'https://publicxingyou.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mp-oil/shangqijika.mp3'
methods: {
arousePhone() {
areaJump() {
// var itemS = {
// siteId:this.siteInfo.xoilUreaPriceVos[0].siteId
// }
url: '/BagStation/pages/ureaDetail/ureaDetail?item=' + JSON.stringify(this.siteInfo
fail: (err) => {
// console.log(err)
success: () => {
// console.log('err')
// 生成音频文件
ContextAudio(url) {
this.innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();
this.innerAudioContext.autoplay = true;
this.innerAudioContext.src = url;
this.innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => {
this.innerAudioContext.onError((res) => {
hidendialog() {
this.showtitle = false
backTohome() {
url: '../../../pages/tabbar/home/home'
// 距离过远提示弹窗
makePay() {
if (this.siteInfo.juli > 1000) {
this.showtitle = true
} else {
url: `/BagStation/pages/makeOrder/makeOrder?siteId=${this.siteId}&activeCur=${this.activeCur}`
getChannelCode(val, sec) {
this.activeChannelCode = val
this.secondChannelCode = sec
siteQrPay() {
// let siteId =
url: `/BagStation/pages/stationDetail/stieQr?siteId=${this.siteId}&activeChannelCode=${this.activeChannelCode}&secondChannelCode=${this.secondChannelCode}`
getSiteInfo(id) {
let data2 = {
siteId: id
oilSiteApi.getSiteDetails(data2).then(res => {
console.log('getSiteDetails', res)
if (res.code == 20000) {
this.siteInfo = res.data
if (this.siteInfo.xoilUreaPriceVos) {
var areaPriceList = []
this.siteInfo.xoilUreaPriceVos.forEach(item => {
if (item.productType == '1') {
this.ureaproductType = 1
} else {
this.ureaproductType = 2
this.areaPrice = Math.min(...areaPriceList)
} else if (res.code == 40000) {
title: '提示',
content: res.msg,
showCancel: false,
success: function(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
if (getCurrentPages().length > 1) {
url: '../../../pages/tabbar/home/home'
gotoPay() {
url: `/BagStation/pages/makeOrder/makeOrder?siteId=${this.siteId}&activeCur=${this.activeCur}`
onChangePayQr(val) {
this.qrcodePay = val
onChangePay(val, active) {
this.activePay = val
this.activeCur = active
openPlugin() {
const key = this.qqKey; //使用在腾讯位置服务申请的key
const referer = '星油云'; //调用插件的app的名称
const endPoint = JSON.stringify({
name: '油站',
latitude: 39.89631551,
longitude: 116.323459711
url: 'plugin://routePlan/index?key=' + key + '&referer=' + referer + '&endPoint=' + endPoint
goBack() {
// this.innerAudioContext?.stop()
// uni.navigateBack()
let siteId = uni.getStorageSync('siteId')
url: '../../../pages/tabbar/home/home'
}) :
selectRadio() {
this.radio === 'A' ? this.radio = '' : this.radio = 'A'
openMap() {
let that = this
latitude: this.siteInfo.latitude,
longitude: this.siteInfo.longitude,
name: this.siteInfo.siteName,
address: this.siteInfo.address,
scale: 12,
success: function() {
// console.log('success')
fail: (error) => {
// console.log('error')
// console.log(error)
complete: () => {
// console.log('made')
var map = uni.createMapContext('map')
filters: {
distanceFilter(value) {
if (value) {
return value > 1000 ? ((value / 1000).toFixed(2) + 'km') : (value + 'm')
usernameF(value) {
if (value) {
return value.substr(0, 1) + '**'
} else {
return '匿名'
plateNumberF(value) {
if (value) {
return value.substr(0, 2) + '*****'
} else {
return '车牌号已隐藏'
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