vue+antd 后台管理框架
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// let path = require('path')
const ThemeColorReplacer = require('webpack-theme-color-replacer')
const generate = require('@ant-design/colors/lib/generate').default
module.exports = {
pluginOptions: {
'style-resources-loader': {
preProcessor: 'less',
// patterns: [path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/theme/theme.less")]
patterns: []
configureWebpack: config => { = ["babel-polyfill", "whatwg-fetch", "./src/main.js"];
new ThemeColorReplacer({
fileName: 'css/theme-colors.css',
matchColors: generate('#1890ff')
css: {
loaderOptions: {
less: {
lessOptions: {
modifyVars: {
// 'link-color': '#ff4d85',
// 'processing-color': '#ff4d85',
// 'primary-color': '#ff4d85',
// 'primary': '#1890ff',
javascriptEnabled: true
publicPath: './',
outputDir: 'dist',
assetsDir: 'static'