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14 KiB

1 year ago
<view style="height: 100vh;display: flex;flex-direction: column;" @click="ejectOpen=false">
<topBar height="343rpx" title="订单列表">
<view slot="coment">
<view class="header_seach">
<view class="header_seach_seach">
<view class="seach_input">
<uni-easyinput :candidate='candidate' :ejectOpen='ejectOpen' @ejectFn='ejectFn'
:letfText='letfText' confirmType='search' @confirm='seachFn'
placeholder-style="color:#bbbbbb;font-weight: 100;" v-model="seachValue"
:placeholder="letfText=='订单号'? '订单编号':letfText=='司机'?'司机姓名,手机号码':letfText=='企业'?'企业名称,企业编号':'油站名称'"
@iconClick="ejectOpen = !ejectOpen">
<view class="Navigation">
<view @tap="seleFn(item);seleindex=index"
v-for="(item,index) in navigation">
<uni-icons :animation="animationData" class="icoon" v-if="index==0" type="refreshempty"
style="margin-left: 10rpx;" size="15" color="#bbbbbb"></uni-icons>
<view style="flex: 1;overflow: hidden;">
<scroll-view v-if="listData.length!=0" style="height: 100%;" scroll-y="true" @scrolltolower='scrolltolower'>
<view v-for="(item,index) in listData" class="form_body">
<view class="form_body_item">
<view class="form_body_item_top">
<view :style="{backgroundColor:item.payAccountType==0?'#FD9500':'#2866FF' }"
<view style="padding: 0 25rpx; margin-top: 23rpx;">
<view class="from_body_item_container">
<view class="flex between">
<view class="flex">
<view class="samll_txext" style="margin-left:23rpx;">
<view class="samll_txext" style="margin-left:23rpx;">
{{item.plateNumber || ''}}
<view :style="{fontSize: '24rpx', color:option(item.orderStatus).color }">
<view style="margin-bottom:23rpx ; font-size: 26rpx;" class="text">
{{ || '暂无'}}
<view class="flex between">
<view class="flex">
<view class="samll_txext">{{item.siteName}}</view>
<view style="color: #999999;" class="bgtext">{{item.volume}}L</view>
<view class="flex between">
<view class="flex">
<view class="samll_txext">
{{ item.oilProductType === 'GAS' ? '天然气' : item.oilProductType === 'PETROL' ? '汽油' : '柴油' }}/{{item.oilsCode}}
{{item.realPrice}}/{{ item.oilProductType === 'GAS' ? 'KG' : 'L' }}
<view class="bgtext">¥{{item.payRealAmount}}</view>
<view class="form_body_item_footer">
<view style="font-size: 22rpx;" class="samll_txext">{{item.refundTime || ''}}</view>
<button style="margin: 0;" type="default" size="mini" class="button"
:class="auditStatusEnum.find(_item=>_item.value == item.auditStatus).class"
@click="examinePrev(item)">{{auditStatusEnum.find(_item=>_item.value == item.auditStatus).label}}</button>
<button style="margin-left: 10px;" type="default" size="mini"
v-if="item.callbackStatus == 2 && item.noticeStatus == 3"
<view v-if="listData.length==0"
style="width: 100vw; height: 100%; display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;">
<image src="@/static/qx.png" style="width: 536rpx; height: 399rpx;"></image>
<uni-popup ref="popup" @change="changePopup">
<view class="examine-frame">
<input class="uni-input" v-model="auditRemark" placeholder="审核备注" />
<view class="red" @click="examine(-1)">审核失败</view>
<view class="blue" @click="examine(1)">审核成功</view>
<uni-popup ref="popupRefund" @change="changePopup">
<view class="examine-frame">
<input class="uni-input" v-model="refundRemark" placeholder="退款原因" />
<view class="white" @click="closeRefund">取消</view>
<view class="blue" @click="refund">退款</view>
import orderList from '@/api/orderList'
import serve from '@/api/orderList/refundReview.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
orderId: '',
auditRemark: '',
refundRemark: '',
animation: null,
animationData: null,
listData: [],
letfText: '订单号',
seleindex: 0,
candidate: ['订单号'],
ejectOpen: false,
seachValue: '',
navigation: [{
text: '全部',
index: ''
}, {
text: '支付成功',
index: 1
}, {
text: '退款中',
index: 4
}, {
text: '已退款',
index: 3
}, {
text: '退款失败',
index: 5
auditStatusEnum: [{
value: '0',
label: '待审核',
class: 'orange'
value: '1',
label: '审核通过',
class: 'green'
value: '2',
label: '待上游审核',
class: 'orange'
value: '-1',
label: '审核失败',
class: 'red'
getData: {
pageSize: 15,
currentPage: 1,
params: {
orderSerialNumber: ''
onShow() {
onLoad() {
methods: {
changePopup(e) {
if (! {
this.orderId = this.auditRemark = this.refundRemark = ''
examinePrev(item) {
if (item.auditStatus !== 0) return
this.orderId =
examine(auditStatus) {
auditRemark: this.auditRemark,
orderId: this.orderId
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 20000) {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'none',
refundPrev(item) {
this.orderId =
refund() {
if (!this.refundRemark) {
title: "请输入退款原因",
icon: 'none'
refundRemark: this.refundRemark,
id: this.orderId
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 20000) {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'none',
closeRefund() {
scrolltolower() {
this.getData.currentPage += 1
option(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
return {
text: '支付成功',
color: '#17A00E'
case 3:
return {
text: '已退款',
color: '#999999'
case 4:
return {
text: '退款中',
color: '#EBC153'
case 5:
return {
text: '退款失败',
color: '#EC4645'
getlist(e) {
this.getData.params.orderSerialNumber = this.seachValue
serve.orderRefundReviewPage(this.getData).then(res => {
if (res.code !== 20000) return
if (! {
title: '没有数据了哦',
icon: 'none'
if (this.getData.currentPage !== 1) {
this.listData = this.listData.concat(;
this.listData =
seleFn(item) {
this.getData.currentPage = 1
this.getData.params.orderStatus = item.index
seachFn() {
this.getData.currentPage = 1
ejectFn(e) {
this.letfText = e
rotateFn() {
var animation = uni.createAnimation({
duration: 1000,
timingFunction: 'ease',
this.animation = animation
this.animationData = this.animation.export()
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
animationFns() {
var animation = uni.createAnimation({
duration: 0,
timingFunction: 'ease',
this.animation = animation
this.animationData = this.animation.export()
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