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3 years ago
<view class="newselecompany_body">
<view class="newselecompany_tip">请选择司机油卡类型<br />及接收方司机...</view>
<view style=" overflow: hidden;" class="newselecompany_container ">
<view class="sele_Bar mar">
<view :style="{transform:`translateX(calc(${page.params.companyCustomerNature}*100%))`}"
<view @tap="seleBarFn(0)" :style="{color:page.params.companyCustomerNature==0? 'white' : ''}"
<view @tap="seleBarFn(1)" :style="{color:page.params.companyCustomerNature==1? 'white' : ''}"
<view class="newselecompany_seach mar">
<view class="newselecompany_seach_title">查找司机</view>
<view class="newselecompany_seach_input">
<uni-easyinput prefixIcon="search" confirmType='search' @confirm='seachFn'
placeholder-style="color:#bbbbbb;font-weight: 100;" v-model="page.params.param"
<view style=" overflow: hidden;" class="newselecompany_container_list">
<view style="flex: 1; margin-top:26rpx; overflow: hidden; ">
<scroll-view v-if="list.length!==0" style="height: 100%;overflow: hidden; " scroll-y="true" @scrolltolower='scrolltolower'>
<view @click="seleFn(item)" v-for="(item,index) in list"
class="newselecompany_container_list_item mar">
<view class="newselecompany_container_list_name">
<view class="felx acenter">
<!-- <view class="yuan"></view> -->
class="newselecompany_container_list_identification">{{item.companyType | companyType}}</text>
<view class="companyDetails">
<text class="smallText">{{item.accountCardCode}}</text>
<text v-if="item.shareCompanyQuota=='0'" class="listtext">账户余额 <text
style="margin-left: 5rpx;font-size: 27rpx;">{{item.balance}}</text> </text>
<text v-if="item.shareCompanyQuota=='1'" class="newlisttext">共享企业额度</text>
<view v-if="list.length==0"
style="width: 100vw; height: 100%; display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;">
<image src="@/static/qx.png" style="width: 536rpx; height: 399rpx;"></image>
import scroll from '@/components/scroll'
import driverManagement from '@/api/driverManagement'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
barIndex: 0,
timer: null,
seachValue: '',
windowHeight: '',
lately: [],
list: [],
page: {
pageSize: 15,
currentPage: 1,
params: {
companyCustomerNature: 0,
companyId: '',
companyType: '',
param: ''
columns: []
onLoad(e) {
if (e.jsData) {
console.log(JSON.parse(e.jsData)) = JSON.parse(e.jsData).id = JSON.parse(e.jsData).companyType
filters: {
companyType(e) {
switch (Number(e)) {
case 0:
return 'FUEL'
case 1:
return 'OIL'
case 2:
return 'LNG'
case 3:
return 'SCR'
methods: {
seleFn(e) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
uni.$emit('driverfn', e)
}, 200)
getlist() {
driverManagement.getDriverSelectionListByCompanyId( => {
if (res.code !== 20000) return
if ( == 0) {
title: '没有数据了哦',
icon: 'none'
if ( !== 1) {
this.list = this.list.concat(;
this.list =
scrolltolower() {
this.currentPage += 1
seachFn() { = 1
seleBarFn(e) { = 1 = e
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