7 changed files with 528 additions and 11 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
.contribution_body{ |
padding: 40rpx 0; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
height: 100vh; |
color: #666666; |
} |
.list_item{ |
display: flex; |
padding: 26rpx 30rpx; |
align-items: center; |
color: #666666; |
} |
.list_item_tip{ |
padding: 11rpx 14rpx; |
background-color:#9F43CC; |
color: #FFFFFF; |
font-size: 16rpx; |
width: fit-content; |
margin: 0 auto; |
} |
.samalltext{ |
font-size: 24rpx; |
color: #BBBBBB; |
} |
.contribution_header_car{ |
height: 270rpx; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
border-radius: 10px; |
/* padding: 0 100rpx; */ |
padding-top: 50rpx; |
position: relative; |
margin: 0 44rpx; |
} |
.jc{ |
justify-content: center; |
} |
.ac{ |
align-items: center; |
} |
.list_item{ |
height: 120rpx; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
border-radius: 10px; |
width: 660rpx; |
margin: 0 auto; |
/* margin: 0 44rpx; */ |
margin-bottom: 10rpx; |
} |
.contribution_header_car_tip{ |
position: absolute; |
width: calc(100% - 200rpx); |
height:90rpx ; |
background-color: #ADCEFF; |
color: #FFFFFF; |
font-size:28rpx; |
bottom: -45rpx; |
border-radius: 10px; |
left: calc((100% - (100% - 200rpx))/2); |
} |
.flex{ |
display: flex; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="contribution_body"> |
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<view class="flex jc"> |
<uni-icons v-if="dedata.routerIndex" color="#2866ff" custom-prefix="iconfont" type="iconjiayou" size="25"></uni-icons> |
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<view style="width: 365rpx; overflow: hidden;margin-left: 24rpx;" > |
<view style="overflow: hidden;width: 100%;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" > |
{{ dedata.routerIndex?dedata.siteName:dedata.companyName}} |
</view> |
<view class="samalltext">{{}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view v-if="!dedata.routerIndex" :style="{background:dedata.parentMark=='0'?'':'#BC853B'}" style="height: fit-content;" class="list_item_tip"> |
{{dedata.parentMark=='0'?'总公司':'子公司'}} |
</view> |
<view style="font-size: 24rpx;color: #ADCEFF;padding: 3rpx 0;"> |
自营油卡 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style=" margin-top: 24rpx;justify-content: space-around;" class="flex"> |
<view>{{dedata.totalAmount|price}} |
<text style="color: #BBBBBB;">¥</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
{{dedata.quantity|price}} |
<text style="color: #BBBBBB;">笔</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="contribution_header_car_tip flex ac jc">{{dedata.startTime.split(' ')[0]}} - {{dedata.endTime.split(' ')[0]}}</view> |
</view> |
<view style="flex: 1; margin-top: 73rpx; overflow: hidden; "> |
<scroll-view class="scroll-view" @scrolltolower='scrolltolower' style="height: 100%;" scroll-y="true"> |
<view v-for="(item,index) in list" class="list_item"> |
<image style="width: 80rpx;height: 80rpx;" src="../../../static/tx.png"></image> |
<view style="width: 300rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.nickName" style="font-size: 28rpx;font-weight: 700;" @click="callPhone(">{{item.nickName}}-{{}}</view> |
<view v-if="!item.nickName" style="font-size: 28rpx;font-weight: 700;" @click="callPhone(">{{}}-{{}}</view> |
<view style="font-size: 22rpx;color: #999999;margin-top: 6rpx;">{{item.createTime}}</view> |
</view> |
<view style="width: 200rpx;text-align: right;"> |
<view style="font-size: 24rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.auditMark==0" style="color: 20.87rpx">待审核</view> |
<view v-if="item.auditMark==1" style="color: #0256FF">审核成功</view> |
<view v-if="item.auditMark==-1" style="color: #EA0000">审核失败</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view style="font-size: 30rpx;font-weight: 700;">{{item.disAmount|price}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import sy from '@/api/sy' |
import convertW from '../../components/convertW.js' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
routerIndex:true, |
list:[], |
dedata:null, |
getData: { |
pageSize: 10, |
currentPage: 1, |
params: { |
siteId: '', |
endTime: '', |
startTime: '' |
} |
}, |
} |
}, |
onLoad(e) { |
let routes = getCurrentPages(); |
let routerIndex = routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page.fullPath.indexOf('?') != -1 ? |
routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page.fullPath.split('?')[0].split('/')[routes[(routes.length - 2)] |
.$page.fullPath.split('?')[0].split('/').length - 1] : |
routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page.fullPath.split('/')[routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page |
.fullPath.split('/').length - 1]; |
// this.routerIndex= routerIndex =='enterpriseIndex'?false:true; |
if (e.jsData) { |
this.dedata = JSON.parse(e.jsData); |
this.getData.params.siteId = |
this.getData.params.endTime = this.dedata.endTime.split(' ')[0]?this.dedata.endTime.split(' ')[0]:this.dedata.endTime |
this.getData.params.startTime = this.dedata.startTime.split(' ')[0]?this.dedata.startTime.split(' ')[0]:this.dedata.startTime |
this.getlist() |
} |
}, |
filters:{ |
price(e){ |
return convertW.convertW(e) |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
callPhone(phone){ |
uni.makePhoneCall({ |
// 手机号 |
phoneNumber: phone |
}); |
}, |
imgError(e){ |
e.siteImages=null |
}, |
getlist(){ |
sy.distributeGetByPage({ |
pageSize: this.getData.pageSize, |
currentPage: this.getData.currentPage, |
params: { |
disCompanyId:this.getData.params.siteId, |
createTimeEnd: this.getData.params.endTime+' 23:59:59', |
createTimeStart:this.getData.params.startTime+' 00:00:00', |
disTagType: "ESELF_SUPPORT", |
disType: '1' |
} |
}).then(res=>{ |
if (res.code !== 20000) return |
if ( == 0) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '没有数据了哦', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
if (this.getData.currentPage !== 1) { |
this.list = this.list.concat(; |
return |
} |
this.list = |
}) |
}, |
scrolltolower() { |
this.getData.currentPage+=1 |
this.getlist() |
} |
} |
} |
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@import url("./contribution.css"); |
::-webkit-scrollbar { |
width: 0; |
color: transparent; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
.contribution_body{ |
padding: 40rpx 0; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
height: 100vh; |
color: #666666; |
} |
.list_item{ |
display: flex; |
padding: 26rpx 30rpx; |
align-items: center; |
color: #666666; |
} |
.list_item_tip{ |
padding: 11rpx 14rpx; |
background-color:#9F43CC; |
color: #FFFFFF; |
font-size: 16rpx; |
width: fit-content; |
margin: 0 auto; |
} |
.samalltext{ |
font-size: 24rpx; |
color: #BBBBBB; |
} |
.contribution_header_car{ |
height: 270rpx; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
border-radius: 10px; |
/* padding: 0 100rpx; */ |
padding-top: 50rpx; |
position: relative; |
margin: 0 44rpx; |
} |
.jc{ |
justify-content: center; |
} |
.ac{ |
align-items: center; |
} |
.list_item{ |
height: 120rpx; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
border-radius: 10px; |
width: 660rpx; |
margin: 0 auto; |
/* margin: 0 44rpx; */ |
margin-bottom: 10rpx; |
} |
.contribution_header_car_tip{ |
position: absolute; |
width: calc(100% - 200rpx); |
height:90rpx ; |
background-color: #ADCEFF; |
color: #FFFFFF; |
font-size:28rpx; |
bottom: -45rpx; |
border-radius: 10px; |
left: calc((100% - (100% - 200rpx))/2); |
} |
.flex{ |
display: flex; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="contribution_body"> |
<view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;flex-wrap: wrap;" class="contribution_header_car"> |
<view class="flex ac jc"> |
<view class="flex jc"> |
<uni-icons v-if="dedata.routerIndex" color="#2866ff" custom-prefix="iconfont" type="iconjiayou" size="25"></uni-icons> |
<image v-else style="width: 60rpx; height: 60rpx;" src="../../../static/selegs.png"></image> |
<view style="width: 365rpx; overflow: hidden;margin-left: 24rpx;" > |
<view style="overflow: hidden;width: 100%;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;" > |
{{ dedata.routerIndex?dedata.siteName:dedata.companyName}} |
</view> |
<view class="samalltext">{{}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view v-if="!dedata.routerIndex" :style="{background:dedata.parentMark=='0'?'':'#BC853B'}" style="height: fit-content;" class="list_item_tip"> |
{{dedata.parentMark=='0'?'总公司':'子公司'}} |
</view> |
<view style="font-size: 24rpx;color: #ADCEFF;padding: 3rpx 0;"> |
外请油卡 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style=" margin-top: 24rpx;justify-content: space-around;" class="flex"> |
<view>{{dedata.outTotalAmount|price}} |
<text style="color: #BBBBBB;">¥</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
{{dedata.outQuantity|price}} |
<text style="color: #BBBBBB;">笔</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="contribution_header_car_tip flex ac jc">{{dedata.startTime.split(' ')[0]}} - {{dedata.endTime.split(' ')[0]}}</view> |
</view> |
<view style="flex: 1; margin-top: 73rpx; overflow: hidden; "> |
<scroll-view class="scroll-view" @scrolltolower='scrolltolower' style="height: 100%;" scroll-y="true"> |
<view v-for="(item,index) in list" class="list_item"> |
<image style="width: 80rpx;height: 80rpx;" src="../../../static/tx.png"></image> |
<view style="width: 300rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.nickName" style="font-size: 28rpx;font-weight: 700;" @click="callPhone(">{{item.nickName}}-{{}}</view> |
<view v-if="!item.nickName" style="font-size: 28rpx;font-weight: 700;" @click="callPhone(">{{}}-{{}}</view> |
<view style="font-size: 22rpx;color: #999999;margin-top: 6rpx;">{{item.createTime}}</view> |
</view> |
<view style="width: 200rpx;text-align: right;"> |
<view style="font-size: 24rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.auditMark==0" style="color: 20.87rpx">待审核</view> |
<view v-if="item.auditMark==1" style="color: #0256FF">审核成功</view> |
<view v-if="item.auditMark==-1" style="color: #EA0000">审核失败</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view style="font-size: 30rpx;font-weight: 700;">{{item.disAmount|price}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import sy from '@/api/sy' |
import convertW from '../../components/convertW.js' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
routerIndex:true, |
list:[], |
dedata:null, |
getData: { |
pageSize: 10, |
currentPage: 1, |
params: { |
siteId: '', |
endTime: '', |
startTime: '' |
} |
}, |
} |
}, |
onLoad(e) { |
let routes = getCurrentPages(); |
let routerIndex = routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page.fullPath.indexOf('?') != -1 ? |
routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page.fullPath.split('?')[0].split('/')[routes[(routes.length - 2)] |
.$page.fullPath.split('?')[0].split('/').length - 1] : |
routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page.fullPath.split('/')[routes[(routes.length - 2)].$page |
.fullPath.split('/').length - 1]; |
// this.routerIndex= routerIndex =='enterpriseIndex'?false:true; |
if (e.jsData) { |
this.dedata = JSON.parse(e.jsData); |
this.getData.params.siteId = |
this.getData.params.endTime = this.dedata.endTime.split(' ')[0]?this.dedata.endTime.split(' ')[0]:this.dedata.endTime |
this.getData.params.startTime = this.dedata.startTime.split(' ')[0]?this.dedata.startTime.split(' ')[0]:this.dedata.startTime |
this.getlist() |
} |
}, |
filters:{ |
price(e){ |
return convertW.convertW(e) |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
callPhone(phone){ |
uni.makePhoneCall({ |
phoneNumber: phone |
}); |
}, |
imgError(e){ |
e.siteImages=null |
}, |
getlist(){ |
sy.distributeGetByPage({ |
pageSize: this.getData.pageSize, |
currentPage: this.getData.currentPage, |
params: { |
disCompanyId:this.getData.params.siteId, |
createTimeEnd: this.getData.params.endTime+' 23:59:59', |
createTimeStart:this.getData.params.startTime+' 00:00:00', |
disTagType: "OUTSIDE", |
disType: '1' |
} |
}).then(res=>{ |
if (res.code !== 20000) return |
if ( == 0) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '没有数据了哦', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
if (this.getData.currentPage !== 1) { |
this.list = this.list.concat(; |
return |
} |
this.list = |
}) |
}, |
scrolltolower() { |
this.getData.currentPage+=1 |
this.getlist() |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
@import url("./contribution.css"); |
::-webkit-scrollbar { |
width: 0; |
color: transparent; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue