You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
6.9 KiB

<view style="height: 100vh;display: flex;flex-direction: column;">
<view class="header">
<view :style="{'px'}"></view>
<uni-nav-bar @clickLeft='back' :border="false" color='white' backgroundColor="rgba(0,0,0,0)"
left-icon="back" title="合同列表" />
<view class="seach">
<uni-easyinput @confirm='seachFn' style="border-radius:12rpx ;" prefixIcon="search"
placeholder-style="color:#bbb;font-weight: 100;" confirmType="搜索"
v-model="paramter.params.companyName" placeholder="请输入对方单位名称">
<view style="flex:1;overflow: hidden;">
<view v-if="!tableList.length"
style="width: 100vw; height: 100%; display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;">
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<scroll-view style="height: 100%;" scroll-y="true" @scrolltolower='scrolltolower'>
<view class="container">
<view class="item" v-for="item,index in tableList" :key="index"
<text>{{item.signingTime | timeFilter}}</text>
<text>{{item.contractTime | timeFilter}}</text>
<view :style="{
color:statusEnum.find(_item => _item.value == item.spStatus).color,
backgroundColor:statusEnum.find(_item => _item.value == item.spStatus).backgroundColor,
bordercolor:statusEnum.find(_item => _item.value == item.spStatus).bordercolor
{{statusEnum.find(_item => _item.value == item.spStatus).label}}
import serve from '@/api/contractManagement/list.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
styles: {},
paramter: {
currentPage: 1,
pageSize: 10,
params: {
companyName: ''
tableList: [],
statusEnum: [{
value: '1',
label: '审批中',
backgroundColor: '#fff8e6',
bordercolor: '#fff1cc',
color: '#ffba00',
value: '2',
label: '已通过',
backgroundColor: '#e7faf0',
bordercolor: '#d0f5e0',
color: '#13ce66',
value: '3',
label: '已驳回',
backgroundColor: '#fef0f0',
bordercolor: '#fde2e2',
color: '#f56c6c',
value: '4',
label: '已撤销',
backgroundColor: '#f4f4f5',
bordercolor: '#e9e9eb',
color: '#909399',
value: '6',
label: '通过后撤销',
backgroundColor: '#f4f4f5',
bordercolor: '#e9e9eb',
color: '#909399',
value: '7',
label: '已删除',
backgroundColor: '#fef0f0',
bordercolor: '#fde2e2',
color: '#f56c6c',
value: '10',
label: '已支付',
backgroundColor: '#e7faf0',
bordercolor: '#d0f5e0',
color: '#13ce66',
onLoad() {
this.styles = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect()
filters: {
timeFilter(value) {
if (value) {
return value.split(' ')[0]
methods: {
seachFn() {
this.tableList = []
this.paramter.currentPage = 1
// console.log('seachFn')
getByPage() {
serve.getByPage(this.paramter).then(res => {
if (! {
title: '没有更多数据了哦~',
icon: 'none'
this.tableList = this.tableList.concat(;
// 触底加载
scrolltolower() {
this.paramter.currentPage += 1
handlerNumber(number) {
if (number == 0) return number
if (!number) {
return '--'
return +number.toFixed(2)
back() {
jump(item) {
url: `./details?details=${item.details}`
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