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<view class="details_body">
<view class="details_body_car">
<view class="paymentInformation">
<view class="paymentInformation_top">
<view class="felx jw">
<text style="font-size: 24rpx;"
<view :style="{background:typeBackground(details.auditMark),color:typeColor(details.auditMark)}"
<view :style="{background:typeColor(details.auditMark)}" class="garden"></view>
:style="{color: transactionType(details.transactionType).color,background:transactionType(details.transactionType).bg}"
class="genres">{{ transactionType(details.transactionType).text}}</view>
<!-- <view class="felx ac">
<text class="companyTag_label">充值</text>
<view v-if="details.createSource=='WECHAT_COMPANY'" class="companyTag">企业微信</view>
<view v-if="details.operationCode!==null" style="background-color: #ff4949;" class="companyTag">
</view> -->
<view class="paymentInformation_footer felx an jw">
<view class="oilInformation ">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">{{details.siteChannelAccountName||'--'}}</view>
<view class="companyTag_label">{{details.siteChannelAccountId||'--'}}</view>
<view class="price">{{details.transactionAmount||'---'}}</view>
<view class="splitLine">
<view style="margin-left: -20rpx;" class="splitLineyuan"></view>
<view class="Line">
<image src="@/static/line.png" style="width: 100%; height: 1px"></image>
<view style="margin-right: -20rpx;" class="splitLineyuan"></view>
<view class="paymentInformation">
<view class="paymentInformation_selector felx jc">
<view class="selector_item">油站公司信息</view>
<view class="paymentInformation_container">
<view class="paymentInformation_item">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">{{details.sepCompanyName||'--'}}</view>
<view class="paymentInformation_item_label">{{details.sepCompanyId||'--'}}</view>
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size="15" class="content-clear-icon" type="bottom" color="#c0c4cc"></uni-icons>
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<view class="splitLine">
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<view class="Line">
<image src="@/static/line.png" style="width: 100%; height: 1px"></image>
<view style="margin-right: -20rpx;" class="splitLineyuan"></view>
<view class="more" style="flex: 1; display: flex;flex-direction: column;overflow: hidden;">
<view style="flex: 1;overflow: auto;" class="paymentInformation_container">
<view class="paymentInformation_item">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_label">创建用户</view>
<view class="paymentInformation_item">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_label">创建时间</view>
<view class="paymentInformation_item">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_label">更新用户</view>
<view class="paymentInformation_item">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_label">更新时间</view>
<view class="paymentInformation_item">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_value">
<view class="paymentInformation_item_label">创建数据来源 / 更新数据来源</view>
<view class="footerButten felx">
<view @click="goBack" class="backButten felx justifyContent alignItems">返回</view>
<button v-if="details.auditMark==0" @click="iShow.examine = true"
class="forwardButten felx justifyContent alignItems">审核</button>
<popup :butten='butten' @confirmFn='confirmFn' @closeFn='closeFn' :show="show" v-model="iShow.examine">
<view slot="coment">
<view class="popup_coment">
import oilAccount from '@/api/oilAccount'
import tool from '@/utils/tool.js'
export default {
onShareAppMessage(res) {
return {
title: '订单详情',
path: '/orderList/orderDetails/orderDetails'
components: {},
data() {
return {
user: uni.getStorageSync('user'),
selector: 0,
details: {},
show: {
img: false,
footer: true
iShow: {
examine: false,
seting: false
moreOpen: false,
val: '898989898',
modifyShow: {
butten: {
colse: '审核失败',
confirm: '审核成功',
coloseBg: '#EC4645',
coloseColor: '#FFFFFF',
confirmBg: '#17A00E',
confirmColor: '#FFFFFF',
borderRadius: '30rpx'
onLoad(e) {
if ( {
this.details = JSON.parse(;
tool.numberSetting(this.details, ['transactionAmount'], 2)
filters: {
typeText: function(e) {
switch (Number(e)) {
case 0:
return '等待审核'
case 1:
return '审核通过'
case -1:
return '审核失败'
case 2:
return '等待付款'
case 3:
return '付款完成'
case 4:
return '取消充值'
return '---'
methods: {
transactionType(e) {
switch (e) {
case 'RECHARGE':
return {
text: '充值',
color: '#666666',
bg: 'rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.1)'
return {
text: '折返',
color: '#9F43CC',
bg: 'rgba(159, 67, 204, 0.1)'
return {
text: '折返',
color: '#9F43CC',
bg: 'rgba(159, 67, 204, 0.1)'
case 'DISPATCH':
return {
text: '调拨',
color: '#2866FF',
bg: 'rgba(40, 102, 255, 0.1)'
case 'CALLBACK':
return {
text: '回拨',
color: '#FF6700',
bg: 'rgba(255, 103, 0, 0.1)'
case 'TURN':
return {
text: '圈回',
color: '#EC4545',
bg: 'rgba(236, 69, 69, 0.1)'
return {
text: '---',
color: '#666666',
bg: 'rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.1)'
goBack() {
examine(auditMark, auditRemark = '') {
let data = {
auditMark: auditMark,
auditRemark: auditRemark,
updateSource: "OMS-MINIAPP"
oilAccount.auditAccount(data).then(res => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
title: '操作成功',
icon: 'success'
this.iShow.examine = false;
carSegmentation(e, w) {
if (!e) return '数据错误';
let splitString = e.split('/')
switch (w) {
case 'companyName':
return splitString[0]
case 'bankName':
return splitString[1].split('(')[0]
case 'bankNumber':
return splitString[1].split('(')[1].replace(')', ' ')
typeColor: function(e) {
switch (Number(e)) {
case 0:
return '#E8CD30'
case 1:
return '#17A00E'
case -1:
return '#EC4545'
case 2:
return '#ffffff'
case 3:
return '#ffffff'
case 4:
return '#ffffff'
return ''
typeBackground: function(e) {
switch (Number(e)) {
case 0:
return '#E8CD3026'
case 1:
return '#17A00E26'
case -1:
return '#EC454526'
case 2:
return '#ffba00'
case 3:
return '#13ce66'
case 4:
return '#ff4949'
return ''
codeFn() {
if (this.details.orderWfStatus == 0) {
orderList.getOrderQrCodeOms(this.details.orderSerialNumber).then(res => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
this.val =
this.iShow.seting = true
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'none'
} else {
this.iShow.seting = false
refund() {
getDetails(e) {
oilAccount.detailsTheQuery( => {
if (res.code !== 20000) return
this.details =
tool.numberSetting(this.details, ['transactionAmount'], 2)
qrR() {
closeFn() {
confirmFn() {
share() {
provider: "weixin",
scene: "WXSceneTimeline",
type: 1,
summary: "我正在使用HBuilderX开发uni-app,赶紧跟我一起来体验!",
success: function(res) {
console.log("success:" + JSON.stringify(res));
fail: function(err) {
console.log("fail:" + JSON.stringify(err));
copy(text) {
data: `${text}`,
// data: `订单ID:${}\n订单流水号:${this.details.orderSerialNumber}\n订单金额:${this.details.realAmount}元\n订单升数:${this.details.volume}升\n订单类型:${this.details.payAccountType==0?'个人':'企业'}\n司机姓名:${this.details.customerName}\n司机id:${this.details.customerId} ${this.details.companyName?'\n订单所属公司:' + this.details.companyName :''}\n手机号码:${this.details.customerPhone}`, //要被复制的内容
// ${(this.details.payAccountType==0?'司机姓名':'订单所属公司') + ':' + (this.details.payAccountType==0? this.details.customerName:this.details.companyName)}
success: () => { //复制成功的回调函数
uni.showToast({ //提示
title: '复制成功'
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