You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
272 lines
8.0 KiB
272 lines
8.0 KiB
<template> |
<view class="home_page_container"> |
<view :style="{ + 'px'}" class="home_page_header"> |
<view class="home_page_header_title"> |
{{`Hi ,${}` : user.userPhone?user.userPhone:'暂未设置'}} |
<uni-icons @tap.stop='close()' class="iconclass" color="#ffffff" custom-prefix="iconfont" |
type="iconkaiguan" size="35"> |
</uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="home_page_header_identity">{{user.roles[0].roleName}}</view> |
</view> |
<view :style="{transform:`rotate(${180}deg)`}" class="home_page_menu"> |
<view class="home_page_menu_name"> |
{{menuList[menuIndex].name?menuList[menuIndex].name:''}} |
</view> |
<view class="bgtracking"></view> |
<view class="bj"></view> |
<view :style="{transform:`rotate(${trackingPosition.angle}deg)`}" @click="gestureAnalysis" |
class="home_page_menu_circular"> |
<view @click="menuClick(index)" class="home_page_menu_item" v-for="(item,index) in menuList" |
:style="{left:item.x,top:item.y,transform:`rotate(${180+trackingPosition.fangle}deg)`}"> |
<uni-icons class="menu_icon" :style="{transform:`scale(${menuIndex==index?1.2:1})`}" |
:color="item.colorOpen? '#2866FF': '#ffffff'" custom-prefix="iconfont" :type="item.icon" |
size="25"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view :style="{transform:`translateY(${Submenu?0:-433}rpx)`}" class="Submenu"> |
<view @tap.stop="jump(item)" v-if="user.authList.includes(item.lable)" |
v-for="(item,index) in menuList[menuIndex].submenu" class="Submenu_item"> |
<view @tap.stop="collectionFn(item)" class="label"> |
<uni-icons :color=" iconFn(item) " custom-prefix="iconfont" type="iconshoucang-yishoucang" |
size="30"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="Submenu_item_name">{{}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="collection"> |
<view @tap.stop="jump(item)" v-for="(item,index) in collection" class="collection_item"> |
<view @tap.stop="remove(item)" class="tip"> |
<uni-icons custom-prefix="iconfont" color="#ffffff" type="iconchiping" size="20"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="collection_item_name"> |
<uni-icons custom-prefix="iconfont" color="#2866FF" :type="item.icon" size="30"></uni-icons> |
<view class="collection_item_text">{{}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="collectionbg"> |
<view v-for="(item,index) in 3" class="collection_itembg"> |
<view> |
<text>点击</text> |
<uni-icons style="margin-left: 10rpx;" color="#bbbbbb" custom-prefix="iconfont" |
type="iconshoucang-yishoucang" size="12"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view>收藏</view> |
<!-- |
<view>Here</view> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import menus from './menu' |
import oilIdentityApi from '@/api/oil-identity' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
user: null, |
collection: [], |
menuList: [], |
trackingPosition: { |
angle: 0, |
fangle: 0 |
}, |
Submenu: false, |
menuIndex: 0, |
styles: null, |
mousePosition: 0, |
circle_w: 520, //圆盘的宽 |
circle_h: 600, //圆盘的高 |
PI: 360, //分布角度,默认为360deg |
stard: 360, //起始角度 |
stard_s: null, //用来默认储存第一个初始值 |
boxNum: 5, //圆盘上覆盖的小圆点个数 |
descTitle: '', //模块描述标题 |
descContent: '', //模块描述内容 |
activeIndex: 1, //默认下标 |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
this.styles = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect(); |
}, |
created() { |
this.initFn(); |
}, |
watch: { |
menuIndex: (n, o) => { |
console.log(n, 'menuIndex') |
}, |
collection: function(n, o) { |
uni.setStorageSync('collection', n); |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
close() { |
uni.showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: '确认退出登录', |
success: function(res) { |
if (res.confirm) { |
oilIdentityApi.logoutAuthSystem().then(res => { |
uni.redirectTo({ |
url: '../login/login?type=1' |
}) |
}) |
} else if (res.cancel) { |
console.log('用户点击取消'); |
} |
} |
}); |
}, |
jump(e) { |
if (this.user.authList.includes(e.lable)) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: e.router, |
fail(e) { |
console.log('失败') |
}, |
}) |
} else { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '暂无权限', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
}, |
remove(e) { |
let indexk; |
this.collection.forEach((item, index) => { |
if ( == { |
indexk = index |
} |
}) |
this.collection.splice(indexk, 1); |
}, |
iconFn(e) { |
return this.collection.filter((item) => == == 0 ? '#bbbbbb' : '#FFB730'; |
}, |
initFn() { |
this.menuList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(menus)) |
this.menuList.forEach((item, index) => { |
item = Object.assign(item, this.circularPositioning(index)); |
}) |
this.trackingPosition.x = this.menuList[0].x; |
this.trackingPosition.y = this.menuList[0].y; |
this.collection = uni.getStorageSync('collection') || []; |
this.user = uni.getStorageSync('user'); |
}, |
collectionFn(e) { |
console.log(this.collection) |
if (this.collection.length == 0) { |
this.collection.unshift(e) |
} else { |
let repeatTest = this.collection.filter((item) => == == 0 ? true : false; |
if (repeatTest) { |
if (this.collection.length >= 3) { |
this.collection.splice(this.collection.length - 1, 1) |
} |
this.collection.unshift(e) |
} else { |
this.remove(e) |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title:'无需重复添加', |
// icon:'none' |
// }) |
} |
} |
}, |
gestureAnalysis(e) {}, |
indexDis(e) { |
let x = this.menuIndex |
let y = e |
console.log(x, y) |
let average = 360 / this.menuList.length; |
let a = x - y; |
let b = this.menuList.length - 1 - (x - y - 1); |
let deg = a > b ? b * average : a * average; |
if (b > a) { |
this.trackingPosition.angle = deg * -1 |
} else { |
this.trackingPosition.angle = deg |
} |
console.log(this.trackingPosition.angle) |
this.menuIndex = null |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.menuIndex = e |
}, 500); |
}, |
menuClick(index) { |
// let newList = [] |
// // let arrayList = this.menuList.length |
// let arrayList = 8 |
// let alient = 0 |
// if (arrayList % 2 == 0){ |
// alient = Math.floor(arrayList/2) |
// }else{ |
// alient = Math.floor(arrayList/2)+1 |
// } |
// let bbb = 7; |
// index =6; |
// console.log("index:{}alient:{},menuIndex{}arrayList{}",index,alient,bbb,arrayList); |
// // // 计算当前坐标点和目标左边点差值0 |
// for(let i = 0; i <= arrayList-1; i++){ |
// let aaa = bbb; |
// if(i<=alient){ |
// aaa = bbb-(alient-i); |
// if(aaa < 0){ |
// aaa = arrayList-aaa |
// console.log("1inde:{},aaa:{}",i,aaa) |
// }else{ |
// console.log("2inde:{},aaa:{}",i,aaa) |
// } |
// }else{ |
// aaa = bbb+(i-alient); |
// if(aaa >= arrayList){ |
// aaa = aaa-arrayList |
// console.log("3inde:{},aaa:{}",i,aaa) |
// }else{ |
// console.log("4inde:{},aaa:{}",i,aaa) |
// } |
// } |
// } |
// // NO=8 |
this.Submenu = false |
let average = 360 / this.menuList.length; |
this.trackingPosition.angle = index * average; |
this.trackingPosition.fangle = -this.trackingPosition.angle; |
// this.menuIndex = null |
if (this.menuList[this.menuIndex].colorOpen) { |
this.menuList[this.menuIndex].colorOpen = false |
} |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.menuIndex = index |
this.menuList[this.menuIndex].colorOpen = true |
this.Submenu = true |
}, 500); |
}, |
circularPositioning(index, position) { |
let avd = this.PI / this.menuList.length //每一个 img-box 对应的角度 |
let ahd = (avd * Math.PI) / 180 //每一个 img-box 对应的弧度 |
let radius = this.circle_w / 2 //圆的半径 |
let x = (Math.sin(ahd * index) * radius) - 30 + 300 + 'rpx' |
let y = (Math.cos(ahd * index) * radius) - 30 + 300 + 'rpx' |
return { |
x, |
y |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
@import url("./newindex.css"); |