You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
3.8 KiB

2 years ago
<view class="padding-top">
<scroll-view scroll-x class=" nav text-center">
1 year ago
<view class="cu-item" v-for="(item, index) in channelList" :class="index == TabCur ? 'text-blues cur' : ''" :key="item.channelId" @tap="tabSelect" :data-id="index">
<image class="site-icon margin-right-sm" :src="imgURL + 'site-' + item.channelCode + '.png'" mode="widthFix"></image>
{{ item.channelCode | channelCodeFamt }}
2 years ago
<!-- 少了壳牌 -->
<view class="cu-list menu padding-left padding-right">
1 year ago
<view class="cu-item" v-for="(itemx, index) in oilSitePriceDetailsVos" :key="index" v-if="itemx.sitePrice > 0">
<text class="cu-tag my-tag line-red text-lg"></text>
<text class="text-bold text-black text-lg">{{ itemx.oilProductCode }}</text>
<text class="text-bold text-blues text-lg">{{ itemx.sitePrice == 0 ? '-.--' : itemx.sitePrice }}/L</text>
<text class="text-delete">{{ itemx.oilSitePrice }}/L</text>
<text class="text-xs ">预计每100L节省{{ (100 * (itemx.oilSitePrice - itemx.sitePrice)) | moneyFormat }}</text>
2 years ago
<!-- <text class="text-gray text-delete">$市场价</text>
<text class="text-gray text-sm">
</text> -->
<!-- 油站特色 -->
<view class="bg-gray padding-top-sm ">
<view class="bg-white padding ">
<view class="padding-top-sm">
1 year ago
<text class="cu-tag line-yellow margin-right-xs" v-for="(itemy, index) in tagList" :key="index">{{ itemy }}</text>
2 years ago
1 year ago
export default {
props: {
channelList: {
type: Array,
default() {}
data() {
return {
TabCur: 0,
imgURL: this.global.imgURL,
scrollLeft: 0
computed: {
activeChannelCode() {
if (this.channelList.length && this.channelList[this.TabCur]) {
let channelCode = this.channelList[this.TabCur].channelCode;
let secondChannelCode = '';
if (this.channelList[this.TabCur].secondChannelCode) {
secondChannelCode = this.channelList[this.TabCur].secondChannelCode;
this.$emit('onChangeChannelCode', channelCode, secondChannelCode);
return channelCode;
2 years ago
1 year ago
tagList() {
if (this.channelList.length && this.channelList[this.TabCur].labelTag) {
let labelTag = this.channelList[this.TabCur].labelTag;
let tagList = labelTag ? labelTag.split(',') : [];
return tagList;
2 years ago
1 year ago
activePay() {
if (this.channelList.length && this.channelList[this.TabCur]) {
let activePay = this.channelList[this.TabCur].activePay;
this.$emit('onChangePay', activePay, this.TabCur);
2 years ago
1 year ago
qrcodePay() {
if (this.channelList.length && this.channelList[this.TabCur]) {
let qrcodePay = this.channelList[this.TabCur].qrcodePay;
this.$emit('onChangePayQr', qrcodePay);
2 years ago
1 year ago
oilSitePriceDetailsVos() {
if (this.channelList[this.TabCur]) {
return this.channelList[this.TabCur].oilSitePriceDetailsVos;
created() {},
methods: {
tabSelect(e) {
this.TabCur = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
this.scrollLeft = (e.currentTarget.dataset.id - 1) * 60;
filters: {
moneyFormat(value) {
if (value != 'xxx.x') {
return '¥' + (parseInt(value * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);
} else {
return value;
2 years ago
1 year ago
channelCodeFamt(value) {
if (value) {
// 渠道编码 ( XOIL:星油 WJY:万金油 LV:老吕(找油网) TY:团油 YDJY:一点加油(壳牌))
switch (value) {
case 'XOIL':
return '星油';
case 'WJY':
return '万金油';
case 'LV':
return '老吕(找油网)';
case 'TY':
return '团油';
case 'YDJY':
return '一点加油(壳牌)';
2 years ago
1 year ago
2 years ago
<style scoped>
1 year ago
.site-icon {
width: 2rem;
vertical-align: middle;
2 years ago
1 year ago
.my-tag {
padding: 0 12rpx;
2 years ago