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<view class="details_body">
<cu-custom class="main-totextbar bg-main-oil" :isBack="true" bgColor="bg-zj-oil">
<block slot="backText">返回</block>
<block slot="content">评估报告</block>
<view class="details_container_bg"></view>
<view class="details_container">
<seleBar moveBackground='rgba(255, 103, 0, 0.7);' @seleBarFn='seleBarFn' :seleBarData='seleBarData' />
<swiper :current="current" class="details_swiper" circular>
<swiper-item v-if="scoreData" @touchmove.stop class="swiper_item">
<view class="fractionCar flex column">
<view class="fractionCar_top flex">
<view class="fractionCar_top_left">
<view class="fractionCar_plateNumber">
{{ formatCarNumber(scoreData.platenumOrVinnum,0) }}</view>
<view class="fractionCar_time smallText flex ac">
<view class="estimate_plate"> 近{{scoreData.statype}}个月</view>
<br />
<view class="smallText">
评估时间 {{scoreData.createTime}}
<view class="fractionCar_top_right">
<view class="fractionCar_top_right_label"> {{displayChange?'综合等级':'综合分数'}}</view>
<view @click="displayChange=true" v-if="!displayChange"
<text style="color: #FF6700;"
class="smallText ">.{{scoreData.rate?(Number(scoreData.rate)*100).toFixed(1).split('.')[1]:'-'}}</text>
<view @click="displayChange=false" v-else class="fractionCar_top_right_rank">
<view class="fractionCar_footer flex">
<view v-for="(item,index) in footerList" :key='index'
class="fractionCar_footer_item flex column">
<view class="fractionCar_footer_item_label">{{item.label}}</view>
<view class="fractionCar_footer_item_value flex ac jc">
前 <text class="subjectColor"><text style="margin-left: 10rpx;" class="bigText ">
{{ scoreData[item.field]?Number(scoreData[item.field]).toFixed(2).split('.')[0]:'0' }}</text>
.{{ scoreData[item.field]?Number(scoreData[item.field]).toFixed(2).split('.')[1]:'00' }}
<!-- .6% -->
<view class="voitureCar flex">
<view class="voitureCar_item">
<view class="voitureCar_item_label labelColor">车辆类型</view>
<view class="voitureCar_item_value subjectColor">{{scoreData.f12}}</view>
<view class="voitureCar_item">
<view class="voitureCar_item_label labelColor">车辆评分基础</view>
<view class="voitureCar_item_value subjectColor">{{scoreData.esc||'---'}}</view>
<view class="detailsCar flex">
<view v-for="(item,index) in detailsList" :key='index' class="detailsCar_item">
<view class="detailsCar_item_label labelColor">{{item.label}}</view>
<view class="detailsCar_item_value subjectColor"> <text
class="bigText">{{Number(scoreData[item.field]).toFixed(1)}}</text> {{item.unit}}
<swiper-item v-if="proposal" @touchmove.stop class="swiper_item flex column">
<view class="fractionCar flex column">
<view class="fractionCar_top flex">
<view class="fractionCar_top_left">
<view class="fractionCar_plateNumber">
{{ formatCarNumber(proposal.homeRiskVo.platenumOrVinnum,0)}}</view>
<view class="fractionCar_time smallText flex ac">
<view class="estimate_plate"> 近{{proposal.homeRiskVo.safeinfoStatype}}个月</view>
<br />
<view class="smallText">
评估时间 {{proposal.homeRiskVo.safeinfoCreateTime||'---'}}
<view class="fractionCar_top_right flex column bw ">
<view class="fractionCar_top_right_label">改善建议</view>
<view @click="$refs.popup.open('center')"
class="fractionCar_top_right_suggest flex ac jc ">
<view class="fractionCar_footer flex bw" style="padding-bottom: 10rpx;margin-top: 40rpx;">
<view @click="item2Index=0"
:class="item2Index==0?'fractionCar_footer_item2_select':'fractionCar_footer_item2_' "
class=" flex column">
<image style="width: 60rpx;height: 60rpx;" :src="imgURL + 'zjsteering .png'">
<view style="margin-bottom: 10rpx;">有 <text
<view @click="item2Index=1"
:class="item2Index==1?'fractionCar_footer_item2_select':'fractionCar_footer_item2_' "
class=" flex column">
<image style="width: 60rpx;height: 60rpx;" :src="imgURL + 'zjtruck.png'"></image>
<view style="margin-bottom: 10rpx;">有 <text
<view @click="item2Index=2"
:class="item2Index==2?'fractionCar_footer_item2_select':'fractionCar_footer_item2_' "
class=" flex column">
<image style="width: 60rpx;height: 60rpx;" :src="imgURL + 'zjroad.png'"></image>
<view style="margin-bottom: 10rpx;">有 <text
class="subjectColor">{{proposal.homeRiskVo.roadRiskCoefficient}}</text> 项风险
<view class="riskCar">
<scroll-view class="riskCar_scroller" :scroll-into-view="toView" scroll-y="true"
<view :id="item.id" class="riskCar_scroller_item" v-for="(item,index) in riskData">
<view class="riskCar_scroller_item_title flex bw">
<text style="color: #BBBBBB;">{{item.title}}</text>
<text class="subjectColor">{{proposal.transdisrto||'--'}}</text>
<view class="riskCar_scroller_item_progress_container">
<view v-for="(progressItem,progressIndex) in item.progress" class="progress flex">
<view class="progress_label">{{progressItem[0]}}</view>
<view class="progress_right flex">
<view :style="{width:`${(proposal[item.id][progressItem[1]] / 1.25)*100}%`}" class="progressBar">
<view :style="{color:progressItem[2].color}" class="progressBar_tip">
<view v-if="proposal.homeRiskVo[item.suggested].length!==0"
<view class="riskCar_scroller_item_propose_title subjectColor">
<view class="riskCar_scroller_item_propose_data">
<view style="margin-bottom: 10rpx;"
v-for="(suggestedItem,suggestedIndex) in proposal.homeRiskVo[item.suggested]"
:key='suggestedIndex' class="riskCar_scroller_item_propose_data_item">
<view class="riskCar_scroller_item_propose subjectColor" style="text-align: center;"
<!-- <view class="details_footer">
<view class="sendMail flex ac jc">发送邮件</view>
<view class="download flex ac jc">下载PDF到手机</view>
</view> -->
<uni-popup ref="popup" @change="change">
<view class="popup_explain flex column">
<view class="indicatorBar"></view>
<view class="indicatorBarGrade flex column jc">
<view v-for="(item,index) in indicatorBar" :key='index' class="indicatorBarGrade_item flex jc ac">
<view :style="{color:item.color}" class="indicatorBarGrade_item_label">{{item.label}}</view>
<view class="indicatorBarGrade_item_value">{{item.value}}</view>
<view @click="$refs.popup.close()" class="popup_explain_footer flex jc ac">
import seleBar from '../../components/seleBar.vue'
import Financial from '@/api/Financial.js'
export default {
options: {
styleIsolation: 'shared', // 解除样式隔离
components: {
watch: {
data() {
return {
displayChange: false,
imgURL: this.global.newImgURL,
item2Index: 0,
detailsList: [{
label: '车辆载重',
field: 'f9',
unit: 't'
label: '总运营率',
field: 'f10',
unit: '%'
label: '第一常跑路线%',
field: 'f11',
unit: '%'
label: '轨迹完整率',
field: 'f0',
unit: '%'
label: '平均速度',
field: 'f1',
unit: 'km/s'
label: '日疲劳时长偏差',
field: 'f2',
unit: 'h'
label: '日运营时长',
field: 'f3',
unit: 'h'
label: '日均清晨运营时长',
field: 'f4',
unit: 'h'
label: '夜间里程%',
field: 'f5',
unit: '%'
label: '高速里程%',
field: 'f6',
unit: '%'
label: '超速里程%',
field: 'f7',
unit: '%'
label: '严重超速时长%',
field: 'f8',
unit: '%'
footerList: [{
label: '全国排名',
field: 'natrnk'
label: '全省排名',
field: 'prornk'
label: '加权赔付率',
field: 'wtlossrto'
carryData: null,
indicatorBar: [{
label: '优秀',
value: '[0.00,0.85)',
color: '#17A00E'
}, {
label: '良好',
value: '[0.85,0.95)',
color: '#5DD425'
}, {
label: '正常',
value: '[0.95,1.05)',
color: '#2866FF'
}, {
label: '轻危',
value: '[1.05,1.15)',
color: '#FFB730'
}, {
label: '危险',
value: '[1.15,1.25)',
color: '#BC853B'
}, {
label: '高危',
value: '[1.25,MAX)',
color: '#EE0113'
riskData: [{
id: 'drive',
title: '驾驶风险',
suggested: 'drivingRecommendations',
progress: [
['疲劳驾驶', 'rftdrivrto'],
['超速行驶', 'ovsprto'],
['低速行驶', 'lowsprto'],
['路口超速', 'crossovsprto'],
['路口急加速', 'rapdspuprto'],
['路口急减速', 'rapdspdownrto'],
['急转弯', 'sharpturn'],
['驾驶平稳度', 'drivsteadyrto'],
['刹车灵敏度', 'brakesensrto']
}, {
id: 'operation',
title: '运营风险',
suggested: 'operationalRecommendations',
progress: [
['运营时长', 'rundurrto'],
['行驶里程', 'runmilerto'],
['运营频次', 'runcountrto'],
['夜间行驶', 'nightdrivrto'],
['常跑路线', 'regularlinerto'],
['轨迹完整率', 'trateintgrto'],
['车辆及运营类型', 'optyperto'],
// ['运输距离', 'transdisrto']
}, {
id: 'road',
title: '道路风险',
suggested: 'roadRecommendation',
progress: [
['高速公路占比', 'hwayrto'],
['危险路段', 'dngroadrto'],
['危险路口', 'dngcrossrto'],
['道路拥堵程度', 'roadfreerto'],
['路口拥堵程度', 'crossfreerto']
toView: '',
current: 0,
seleBarData: [],
scoreData: null,
proposal: null
onLoad(e) {
this.carryData = JSON.parse(e.data);
watch: {
item2Index: function(n, o) {
this.toView = this.riskData[n].id
methods: {
formatCarNumber(carnum, isAuth) {
if (carnum) {
if (isAuth == 1) {
const numBegin = carnum.substring(0, 2);
const numEnd = carnum.substring(2);
return numBegin + '·' + numEnd;
} else {
const numBegin = carnum.substring(0, 3);
const numEnd = carnum.substring(4, 5);
return numBegin + '***' + numEnd;
return "";
displayChangeFn(e) {
e = e !== '' ? Number(e) : 0;
if (Number(e) >= 80 && Number(e) < 100) {
return 'A'
} else if (Number(e) >= 60 && Number(e) < 80) {
return 'B'
} else if (Number(e) >= 40 && Number(e) < 60) {
return 'C'
} else if (Number(e) >= 20 && Number(e) < 40) {
return 'D'
} else if (Number(e) >= 0 && Number(e) < 20) {
return 'E'
} else {
return '--'
colorClassification(e) {
e = e !== '' ? Number(e) : '';
console.log(e, e > 0.95 && e <= 1.05, 'colorClassification')
if (e >= 0 && e < 0.85) {
return {
color: '#17A00E',
label: '优秀'
} else if (e >= 0.85 && e < 0.95) {
return {
color: '#5DD425',
label: '良好'
} else if (e >= 0.95 && e < 1.05) {
return {
color: '#2866FF',
label: '正常'
} else if (e >= 1.05 && e < 1.15) {
return {
color: '#FFB730',
label: '轻危'
} else if (e >= 1.15 && e < 1.25) {
return {
color: '#BC853B',
label: '危险'
} else if (e > 1.25) {
return {
color: '#EE0113',
label: '高危'
} else {
return {
color: '#EE0113',
label: '---'
console.log(e, '===')
initData() {
switch (this.carryData.type) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
getScore() {
lable: '综合评分',
value: 0,
open: true
id: this.carryData.id
}).then(res => {
this.scoreData = res.data;
getProposal() {
lable: '改善建议',
value: 1,
open: true
id: this.carryData.homeRiskVoId
}).then(res => {
this.proposal = res.data;
this.proposal['transdisrto'] = res.data.drive?.transdisrto||res.data.operation?.transdisrto||res.data.road?.transdisrto;
if( typeof this.proposal[item] == 'object' && this.proposal[item]?.transdisrto ){
delete this.proposal[item].transdisrto;
proposalSort() {
let driveProgress = Object.keys(this.proposal.drive).map(item => {
let data = null
this.riskData[0].progress.forEach(x => {
if (x[1] == item) {
data = x;
return data
let operationProgress = Object.keys(this.proposal.operation).map(item => {
let data
this.riskData[1].progress.forEach(x => {
if (x[1] == item) {
data = x;
return data
let roadProgress = Object.keys(this.proposal.road).map(item => {
let data
this.riskData[2].progress.forEach(x => {
if (x[1] == item) {
data = x;
return data
this.riskData[0].progress = driveProgress;
this.riskData[1].progress = operationProgress;
this.riskData[2].progress = roadProgress;
change() {},
scroll() {},
seleBarFn(e) {
if (this.seleBarData.length <= 1) return;
this.current = e.value
console.log(e, this.scoreData, this.proposal, 'seleBarFn')
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width: 100%;
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