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<view class="page-content">
<cu-custom class="bg-main-oil" bgColor="bg-main-oil">
<block slot="content">中品加油</block>
<view class="margin-top-lg">
<swiper class="screen-swiper text-center square-dot" :indicator-dots="true"
:circular="true" interval="3000" :autoplay="true" duration="500">
<swiper-item v-for="(item,index) in imgs" :key="index">
<image class="margin-center" :src="imgURL+item" mode="heightFix">
<view class="content" :class="{'active':active}">
<!-- <image class="" :class="{'active':active}" :src="imgURL+'start-center.png'" mode="aspectFit"></image> -->
<view class="tabbar-box-wrap">
<view class="tabbar-box">
<view class="tabbar-box-item" @tap="scan">
<!-- <image class="box-image" src="../../../static/img/release.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> -->
<text class="cuIcon-scan text-blue text-bold padding-right-xs"></text>
<text class="explain">扫码加油</text>
<view class="tabbar-box-item" @tap="showThreeSites=true">
<!-- <image class="box-image" src="../../../static/img/video.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> -->
<text class="cuIcon-qr_code text-orange text-bold padding-right-xs"></text>
<text class="explain">付款码</text>
<view class="tabbar-box-item" @click="goToPage('/BagAuth/pages/agreeMent/OperationGuide')">
<!-- <image class="box-image" src="../../../static/img/qa.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> -->
<text class="cuIcon-creative text-olive text-bold padding-right-xs"></text>
<text class="explain">操作指南</text>
<!-- <view class="tabbar-box-item" @click="goToPage('/pages/tabbar-3-detial/tabbar-3-qa/tabbar-3-qa')">
<image class="box-image" src="../../../static/img/qa.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<text class="cuIcon-service text-bold padding-right-xs"></text>
<text class="explain">客服</text>
</view> -->
<three-sites @hideOneModal="showThreeSites=false" :showThreeSites="showThreeSites"></three-sites>
import threeSites from '@/components/three-sites.vue'
import oilSiteApi from '@/api/oil-site.js'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
siteInfo: {
imgs:['start-center.png ','center-3.png','center-2.png'],
siteId: '',
showThreeSites: false,
active: false,
imgURL: this.global.imgURL + 'other/',
this.showThreeSites =false
onLoad() {},
onShow() {
// setTimeout(() => {
this.active = true;
// }, 500);
onHide() {
this.active = false;
methods: {
goToPage(url) {
if (!url) return;
// 扫码逻辑开始
getSiteInfo(id) {
let data2 = {
siteId: id
oilSiteApi.getSiteDetails(data2).then(res => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
this.siteInfo = res.data
if (res.data.oilSiteChannelDetailsVos.length == 1 && res.data.oilSiteChannelDetailsVos[0]
.activePay) {
uni.setStorageSync('tempScanSite', this.siteInfo)
} else {
toDetail() {
url: `/BagStation/pages/stationDetail/stationDetail?siteId=${this.siteId}`,
fail: (err) => {
// console.log(err)
success: () => {
// console.log('err')
makePay() {
url: `/BagStation/pages/makeOrder/makeOrder?siteId=${this.siteId}`
getScanRes(code) {
let data2 = {
qrCode: code
oilSiteApi.getScanRes(data2).then(res => {
if (res.code == 20000) {
this.siteId = res.data.siteId
scan1() {
// 测试用
scan() {
scanType: 'qrCode',
onlyFromCamera: false,
success: (res) => {
fail: (err) => {
title: err
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